How Plug and Play Communicates with Sites on the Internet Controlling Automatic Device Updating to Prevent the Flow of Information to and from the Internet 显示另外 2 个 Applies To: Windows Server 2003 with SP1 This section provides information about: ...
Plug-and-Play Internet security appliances deliver multiple protection services, simple operationA new series of network appliances makes installation and maintenance of critical computer security protection simple enough for inexperienced personnel.Anonymous...
首先,按下键盘上的Win+R键,打开运行框,并在运行框中输入“cmd”,然后按下回车键,打开命令提示符。接着,在命令提示符中输入“services.msc”,然后按回车键,打开服务管理窗口。在服务管理窗口中,找到“SSDP Discovery”和“Universal Plug and Play Device Host”这两项服务,并将其状态改为禁用...
Plug-in domain name preset in HwOUC: Enterprise customization domain name preset in HwOUC: Link to standard contract clauses of European Commission preset in HwOUC: EULA and privacy domain name ...
Plug-in domain name preset in HwOUC: Enterprise customization domain name preset in HwOUC: Link to standard contract clauses of European Commission preset in HwOUC: EULA and privacy domain name ...
在运行页面输入services.msc并按下键盘上的回车键。3、在弹出的窗口中禁用SSDP Discovery和Universal Plug and PlayDevice Host两项服务 。4、在我的电脑选项中的添加或删除程序里选择添加/删除windows组件。5、在网络服务选项中取消勾选"UPnP用户界面",并点击确定选项保存设置即可完成所有操作。
(a3) Enable UPnP: UPnP(Universal Plug and Play) allows several devices(routers, televisions, stereo systems, game consoles, cellular phone) to be controlled via an IP-based network with or without a central control through a gateway.
1、点击桌面左下角开始菜单选择运行选项,在运行对话框文本输入cmd,如下图所示:2、在CMD对话框命令行中输入services.msc回车。3、打开服务,禁用SSDP Discovery和Universal Plug and PlayDevice Host两项服务 ,如下图所示:4、双击SSDP Discovery服务,这时候来到设置界面,将服务设置为已禁用,如下图...
(a3) Enable UPnP:UPnP(Universal Plug and Play) allows several devices(routers, televisions, stereo systems, game consoles, cellular phone) to be controlled via an IP-based network with or without a central control through a gateway. b. WAN IP Setting ...
(a3) Enable UPnP: UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) ermöglicht die Steuerung mehrerer Geräte (Router, Fernsehgeräte, Stereoanlagen, Spielkonsolen, Mobiltelefone) über ein IP-basiertes Netzwerk mit oder ohne zentrale Steuerung durch ein Gateway....