Internet of Underwater Things: Underwater Acoustic Speech Processing, Real Time Sea Pollution Monitoring, Oceanographic System and Monitoring Sensible Parameters in Deep Sea for Underwater Autonomous Vehicle and Disaster ManagementIntercontinental Submarines cannot communicate in deep sea and accomplish its ...
实验室华善善硕士的论文被国际顶级期刊 IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF=10.238)录用,祝贺! Controversy Adjudication-Based Trust Management Mechanism in the Internet of Underwater Things IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022 (SCI index, IF=10.238) 由于水下通信具有有限带宽、低传输速率和长传输延迟的...
The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging communication ecosystem developed for connecting underwater objects in maritime and underwater environments. The IoUT technology is intricately linked with intelligent boats and ships, smart shores and oceans, automatic marine transportations, positi...
海洋学院浙江省海洋观测-成像试验区重点实验室关于AUV辅助的水声传感网络能量效率优化算法的研究取得重要进展,相关成果“AUV-aided Energy-Efficient Data Collection in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks”,以海洋学院2017级直博生卓晓晓为第一作者,日前在物联网领域知名期刊IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IF:9.936)上...
It looks like a torpedo, it can dive, and it does the job whenever it’s too risky or expensive to send humans… It's the Internet of Underwater Things drone!
Internet of X-things (X-IoT) is an enabling technology to overcome all of the above issues. In this article, we have presented an overview of a unified framework of X-IoT. The framework of X-IoT consists of three major categories. The first one is the Internet of underwater things (I...
The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is a promising approach to future military, scientific, and commercial applications at sea. Powering of electronic devices in deep water still remains one of the main challenges, since these systems are typically powered by batteries that need to be replac...
INTERNET of underwater things (IoUT) has attained much attention because of their many applications such as navigation,objects localization,detection of mines,and monitoring of environmental pollution [1]–[4].The growth of IoUT is in its early phase and faces innumerable challenges.For example,in...
Underwater communication remains a challenging technology via communication cables and the cost of underwater sensor network (UWSN) deployment is still very high. As an alternative, underwater wireless communication has been proposed and have received more attention in the last decade. Preliminary resear...