IntroductiontoIoTBooming“IoT” 5StartingfromtheInternetInternetappearseverywhereintheworld;butitisstillaconnectionbetweenpeopleandpeople6WhatisIOTInternetconnectsallpeople,soitiscalled“theInternetofPeople”IOTconnectsallthings,soitiscalled“theInternetofThings”7WhatisIOT?IOTisacommunicationnetworkconnectingthingswhichhasna...
InternetofThings(IOT)Outline ◆IntroductionofTeammate◆PartI:IntroductiontoIoT ◆PartII:KeyTechnologiesofIoT ◆PartIII:ApplicationsofIoT 2 Part I:IntroductiontoIoT Booming“IoT”StartingfromtheInternet Internetappearseverywhereintheworld;butitisstillaconnectionbetweenpeopleandpeople 5 WhatisIOT ...
InternetofThings (IOT)Outline ◆IntroductionofTeammate◆PartI:IntroductiontoIoT ◆PartII:KeyTechnologiesofIoT ◆PartIII:ApplicationsofIoT 2 PartI:IntroductiontoIoT Booming“IoT”StartingfromtheInternet Internetappearseverywhereintheworld;butitisstillaconnectionbetweenpeopleandpeople 5 WhatisIOT Internetconnectsall...
物联网40英语报告41Internet of Things40English Presentation41课件 AnalystMeet August27,2002 前牙反颌和开颌的原因多由于不良喂养方式和吮指等不良习惯造成,也可因多颗乳磨牙过早缺失,迫使儿童用前牙咀嚼,下颌逐渐前伸移位造成。 InternetofThingsInternetofThings (IOT)(IOT) 前牙反颌和开颌的原因多由于不良喂养方式...
IntroductiontoIoT Booming“IoT” * StartingfromtheInternet Internetappearseverywhereintheworld; butitisstillaconnectionbetweenpeopleandpeople * WhatisIOT Internetconnectsallpeople,soitiscalled“theInternetofPeople” IOTconnectsallthings,soitiscalled“theInternetofThings” ...
The Internet of Things is not coming; it has arrived! IoT is the harbinger of the 4th Industrial Revolution. IoTs are on our networks: at home, at work, and at school. They are represented by such IoT solutions as institutional heating and ventilation controls, security cameras, door locks...
Presentation layer:Runs the formatting and encoding of data using protocols. Application layer:Represents the applications and services that run on top of the IoT system. What types of businesses use the Internet of Things? IoT has a wide range of applications and the technology be used by busin...
物联网(英语报告)InternetofThings(EnglishPresentation).ppt,Applications --The Intelligent Home * Client Adjust Temperature, Other Settings Receive Inventory, Food/Filter Expiration, Other Alerts Retrieve Inventory, Temperature, Other Data Smart Appliances
“Internet of Things” was coined by entrepreneur Kevin Ashton, one of the founders of the Auto-ID Center at MIT. Ashton was part of a team that discovered how to link objects to the internet through an RFID tag. He first used the phrase “Internet of Things” in a 1999 presentation ...
1999: IoT is coined for the first time Kevin Ashton first coined the actual term “Internet of Things” in 1999 while he was giving a PowerPoint presentation for Procter & Gamble. He proposed devices that could sense their surroundings using sensors and software. ...