The industrial internet of things (IIoT) refers to the extension and use of the internet of things (IoT) in industrial sectors and applications. The IIoT has a strong focus on machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, big data, and machine learning.
There are two trends in the Internet industry, one of which is big data and cloud computing, the other one is the growth of the Internet of things. 互联网行业有俩个趋势,一个是大数据和云计算,另一个是物联网的发展。 完 ▽特惠0元体验课▽ 新概念...
An explosion of smart devices and technologies has allowed mankind to be in constant communication anywhere and anytime. IoT trend has created a sub-segment of the IoT market known as the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 dubbed I4.0 marks the fourth in the...
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a foundational technology for Industry 4.0. IIoT connects your people, products, and processes to digitally transform manufacturing and service operations.
throughthechapters,you'llgainhands-onexperienceinusingopensourceNode-Red,Kafka,Cassandra,andPython.Youwillalsolearnhowtodevelopstreamingandbatch-basedMachineLearningalgorithms.Bytheendofthisbook,youwillhavemasteredthefeaturesofIndustry4.0andbeabletobuildstronger,faster,andmorereliableIoTinfrastructureinyourIndustry. ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects ordinary objects to other objects and applications in the cloud, making them intelligent and interactive. Such "smart" devices make our lives richer and healthier and help to optimize the use of scarce resources. ...
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a foundational technology for Industry 4.0. IIoT connects your people, products, and processes to digitally transform manufacturing and service operations.
In the pre-Industrial Internet of Things days, it was virtually impossible to check on equipment and manufacturing locations without actually being there. (Save a phone call with maintenance or management.) The IIoT makes it possible for you and your team to see how equipment is performing, wh...
Learn the basics of the Internet of Things (IoT), advantages and disadvantages, how PKI plays an important role in IoT security, and more in this blog.
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging domain that promises ubiquitous connection to the Internet, turning common objects into connected devices. The IoT paradigm is changing the way people interact with things around them. It paves the way to creating pervasively connected infrastructures to suppo...