如果已通过InternetExplorerIntegrationTestingAllowed策略启用了 IE 模式测试,则会看到此设置,但除非显式启用InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed策略,否则此设置将灰显。 如果“允许在 Internet Explorer 模式下重新加载网站”设置为“默认”,则如果用户具有现有的 Internet Explorer 11 用法,则他们或许能够在 IE...
使用Microsoft Edge 版本 93,管理员可以使用InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList设置配置一个云托管站点列表,Microsoft Edge IE 模式可以使用这些列表。 用户必须登录 Microsoft Edge 客户端使用云中的站点列表。 重要 配置此策略时,它将覆盖原始InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList策略。
Remove-MgAdminEdgeInternetExplorerModeSiteList -BrowserSiteListId <String> [-IfMatch <String>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-PassThru] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell 複製 Remove-MgA...
Get-MgAdminEdgeInternetExplorerModeSiteListSharedCookieCount-BrowserSiteListId<String> [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>] ...
2、对网站列表基于工具的管理。使用 Enterprise Mode Site List Manager 工具,可以添加网站域和域路径,还可以指定站点是否使用企业模式呈现内容。你可以从 Internet Explorer 下载中心下载 Enterprise Mode Site List Manager 工具。 3、集中式控制。你可以使用企业模式通过网站上或本地存储的 XML 文件来指定要解释的网站...
For a site that functions as the centralized gateway: On the Site-to-Internet page, configure Centralized Gateway. Configure local Internet access for the sites that function as the active and standby gateways, set Internet Access Policy Type to All Traffic, and set Internet Access Mode to Local...
Are there adoption materials available to help me move my organization to Microsoft Edge for Business with Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)? support Need more help? No matter the size of your business, we’re here to help. Business support...
A dual-mode pre-CICS TS environment is also connected, but can communicate using IPv4 only. Host names A host, or website, on the Internet is identified by a host name, such as www.example.com. Host names are sometimes called domain names. Host names are mapped to IP addresses, but ...
Enterprise Mode for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) Tips and tricks to manage Internet Explorer compatibility Enterprise Mode and the Enterprise Mode Site List Set up Enterprise Mode logging and data collection Turn on Enterprise Mode and use a site list Enterprise Mode schema v...
Good evening! This week I've been focused on configuring and evaluating the IE mode policies currently available for Edge. We plan to start our testing with...