ly works at the application level of the IoT, as shown in Figure 1. FFiigguurree 11.. SSttrruuccttuurree ooff tthhee iinntteeggrraatteeddIIooTTssyysstteemm.. In Figure 1, the main function of the DASIoT is to provide data access services for end users and IisnsuFeigtuhree l1a,...
(1) In the query operation, each hash function of the query element returns a value, which is denoted as [ℎIn(t h)e].qIufearlyl o p ehraatsihonf,uenaccthiohnasshreftuunrcntio nℎof( t h)e =qu1e,rytheelnem enmt areytuerxnisstainvatlhuee,awrrhaiychthisadt ehnaostead laars...