Internet Explorer 9 中要明确转到 intranet 站点(比如 http://contoso/),两个尾随斜杠字符 ("contoso /") 和 http:// 前缀都将触发导航。Internet Explorer 9 还检查背景查看单个单词场景中 intranet 站点是否可用,并通过Notification bar提供匹配。如果您选择通知栏的Yes导航到 intranet 站点,Internet Explorer 9 ...
您可以在 Windows Internet Explorer 9 或 Internet Explorer 10 中下載檔案。 檔案名包含延伸字元。 按一下通知列上的 [開啟] 以開啟檔案。 在此案例中,您會遇到下列其中一個問題: 檔案無法開啟。 與檔案相關聯的應用程式隨即啟動。 不過,您會收到錯誤訊息,指出找不到該檔案。
With IE11 on Windows 8.1, Flip ahead browsing is turned on by default. (In Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, you can enable flip ahead for Internet Explorer in the Windows UI from Internet Explorer Settings accessed from the Windows 8 Charms bar on the side of the screen)....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Edge > InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel (REG_DWORD) with value 1 (or decimal: 0x00000001) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\EnterpriseMode > SiteList (REG_SZ) with path to your XML-sitelist (eg. https...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl 右键单击“FeatureControl”,指向“新建”,然后单击“键”。 输入FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION,然后按 Enter 为新键命名。 右键单击“FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION”,指向“新建”,然后单击“DWORD (32 ...
路徑 Windows 元件 > Internet Explorer > 因特網 控制台 > 安全性頁面 登錄機碼名稱 Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings 登錄值名稱 WarnOnBadCertRecving ADMX 檔案名稱 inetres.admxAllowDeletingBrowsingHistoryOnExit領域版本適用的作業系統 ✅ 裝置 ✅ 使用者 ...
internet explorer settings are still the same. Make a more clear user interface. error messages on the left side of the taskbar are too cryptic. use the same interface for zooming as in office 2007. tab thumbnails are not live. what about thumbnails while hovering over a tab? only the bro...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\NscSingleExpand DisableScriptDebugging REG_SZ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Disable Script Debugger DisplayErrorNotification REG_SZ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Error Dlg D...
Additionally, text has changed across nearly all policy settings. For example, the phrase “Notification Bar” replaces the phrase “Information Bar.” However, these changes should not affect your existing GPOs. You will see the new text automatically after updating the inetres.admx and inetres....
You must install the Rights Management Add-on from theRMA Download Pagebeforeyou install Internet Explorer 7. The add-on cannot be installed after Internet Explorer 7. Installation Errors If you receive notification that the installation failed,you should restart your computer to ensure that any chan...