在开始菜单中,点运行->输入regedit后回车,在注册表编辑器中找到以下主键:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main 在右边窗口找到键值名为<Start Page>字符串,双击,在弹出的对话框中输入你原来主页地址,如使用的是空白页,就输入“about:blank”保存就ok了。另外,奉劝一句,如有...
Open Internet Explorer, select theToolsbutton, and then selectInternet options. On theGeneraltab, underHome page, enter the URL of the site you want to set as a home page. You can add more than one URL, or add the site you're currently viewing by selectingUse current. If you add more...
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第一步:下载包含浏览器修复功能的金山网盾【百度搜索 金山网盾选择下载】第二步 安装金山网盾3.6后,点击“一键修复”使用全面修复功能 第三步 点击【立即处理】按钮,修复完成以后,根据提示重启系统或者【F5】刷新桌面 注意,360会拦截金山网盾安装,如果你有360,请先打开360木马防火墙,点击进程防火...
Set a home page for Internet Explorer Applicable products: PC,Desktop Applicable products: Open Internet Explorer and click on the Settings icon in the top-right corner. Select Internet Options. Set your desired home page under Home page in the General tab. Helpful or not? Yes No ...
When this problem occurs, TrojanSpy:Win32/Banker takes the following actions: TrojanSpy:Win32/Banker sets the Internet Explorer home page to "about:blank." TrojanSpy:Win32/Banker deletes all the files in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft AntiSpyware folder. ...
Policy: Disable changing home page settings Category Path: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\ Supported: On At least Internet Explorer 5.0 Registry Key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel Value: HomePage Admx: inetres.adm...
Followed the documentation https://prajwaldesai.com/how-to-set-internet-explorer-home-page-via-gpo/ . and it is working as expected but need help on below ; 1) How do I configure same settings for MS Edge - I guess it not possible yet as I researched a lot but could not found anyth...
Internet Explorer in the Windows UI and Internet Explorer for the desktop share a common home page, or multiple home page tabs if specified. You can set your home page and home page tabs from the General tab in the desktop Internet Options control panel....
Help_Page specifies the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to your Web page, offering technical support to end users. Home_Page Home_Page specifies the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the default home page that appears when the user starts Internet Explorer®. To set additional home pages, us...