In the past, developers have sometimes needed to use plug-ins like Flash for making cross-domain HTTP requests when the Internet Explorer XDomainRequest object could not provide the functionality they needed. In other instances, developers might have used a Flash- or Silverlight-based plug-in ...
例如,如果我将Internet Explorer设置为放大150%,则web浏览器将开始放大150%。我尝试过使用zoom CSS属性和超文本标记语言document. 浏览4提问于2015-02-07得票数 0 3回答 在Internet Explorer 11中使用Angular元素的推荐方法 、、、 寻找关于如何使用角度元素的指导,这些元素将在其他浏览器上工作,特别是在Internet Exp...
Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1: One browser, two experiences Make your site touch-ready Strategies for building adaptive sites Web development for Windows Phone Media Source Extensions WebGL Using the F12 developer tools Internet Explorer 10 Samples and Tutorials ...
通过弹出窗口进行身份验证来完成登录时,弹出窗口无法关闭或卡住不动。 在 Microsoft Edge 或 Internet Explorer (InPrivate) 中通过弹出窗口进行身份验证时,输入凭据并登录后,如果导航中涉及跨安全区域的多个域,则会因为MSAL.js丢失弹出窗口句柄而无法关闭弹出窗口。
IE 的退役并不令人感到意外。一年前,微软就表示将终止 Internet Explorer,将用户推向现代的 Edge 浏览器。行业分析表明,Internet Explorer 可能仍占据全球浏览器总市场份额的 0.5% 以上。而在美国地区,这一比例可能接近 2%。IE 浏览器曾是桌面互联网时代的霸主,但经历 PC 市场残酷竞争后,移动互联网时代让浏览...
In the past, developers have sometimes needed to use plug-ins like Flash for making cross-domain HTTP requests when the Internet Explorer XDomainRequest object could not provide the functionality they needed. In other instances, developers might have used a Flash- or Silverlight-based plug-in ...
Compatibilidad de sitios web Windows Internet Explorer 8 e Internet Explorer 9 mejoran la interoperabilidad de los navegadores y avanzan en la Web al ofrecer una mejor implementación de los estándares web para que Internet Explorer cumpla con los ...
In the past, developers have sometimes needed to use plug-ins like Flash for making cross-domain HTTP requests when the Internet Explorer XDomainRequest object could not provide the functionality they needed. In other instances, developers might have used a Flash- or Silverlight-based plug-in ...
In the past, developers have sometimes needed to use plug-ins like Flash for making cross-domain HTTP requests when the Internet Explorer XDomainRequest object could not provide the functionality they needed. In other instances, developers might have used a Flash- or Silverlight-based plug-in ...
Microsoft tiene intención de distribuir Internet Explorer 7 como actualización de alta prioridad a través de Actualizaciones automáticas y los sitios de Windows Update y Microsoft Update poco después del lanzamiento de la versión final de Internet Explorer 7. Esto puede suponer un problema como...