Monitor The Internet - Stay informed about your internet status with real-time monitoring. Reliable insights into your internet's uptime and downtime.
as seen in the belovedDo You Love the Colour of the Sky memeour sources vividly remember taking over Tumblr for months. Long, belabored, seemingly sincere descriptions of the sky would culminate in an unrelated joke at the bottom. It's not unlike the newTikTok trend of describing an "eye-...
These incidents were very scary and very avoidable. We will continue to warn our students about the dangers of the blackout challenge and most, if not all, challenges promoted on social media. It seems like there’s some new challenges sending kids to the ER every day. Speaking of other s...
sensors Article Distributed Data Service for Data Management in Internet of Things Middleware Ruben Cruz Huacarpuma 1,†, Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior 1,†, Maristela Terto de Holanda 2,†, Robson de Oliveira Albuquerque 1,†, Luis Javier García Villalba 3,*,† and Tai-Hoon Kim ...
We verified that the proposed measure can detect the scenario in which the server system is falling into an overloaded state, and that the scaling operation can be executed before the OT of the server system completely degrades. We showed that the overload is avoided by applying scaling with ...
sensors Article Passive Sensors for Long Duration Internet of Things Networks Felisberto Pereira * ID , Ricardo Correia and Nuno Borges Carvalho Instituto de Telecomunicações, Departamento de Electrónica Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro 3810-193, Portugal; rjoao@...
The number of servers across the globe is considered to be 8, the pairwise Euclidian distance is stored in 2D variable DE[ ][ ] when their geo-location is determined through clustering of city population. Each instruction is of size 64 bits. The user to fog links allows transmission of ...
(JOSONN) )fofromrmatatanadndHHTTPTP202000cocdoedeisisrerceecievievdedasasanan acakcnkonwowleldegdegmemenent tfofroreaecahchsuscuccecsessfsufluAl APIPcIaclal.ll.TThheemmananagagememenent tcocnonsosoleleofofthteheclcoluodudplpaltafotfromrm prporvoivdiedseasnaneaesaysyGGUUI (IG(rGarpahpihciacla...
IInn tthhiiss lelevvele,la, nanIo TIopTr opdruocdtuvcist uvailslyuaelxlyte nedxstepnhdyss ipcahlyosbicjeacl tso,bajnedctsv,i ratunadl ovbirjetuctasl coanbjbecetas rrcaanng ebde aornratnhge epdh yosni ctahleo pbhjeycstisc,awl ohbicjhece...
33.. Simmuulaattiioonn SScceennaarriioo BBeeffoorreetthheetrtraannssmmisissioionnoof fththeepapcakcektetatkaeksepslpaclaec, eth, tehneunmubmebr eorf onfodnoesdaens danndumnubmerboefr BoDf BsDtos btoebseimsiumlautleadteadreardeedteertmerminiende,da,nadndthtehnenthtehenondodesesaraereggrorouu...