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Siehe http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2007/10/04/internet-explorer-7-update.aspx Anonymous October 04, 2007 Bringing back the menu was an error! You claim to listen to what your customers want - but fail to realise who your real customers really are; i.e. who to listen to! Among ...
Microsoft, Khush: I really hope you are making a prioritized effort to address the issues you have been reading in this thread. I'm not going to add my own thoughts, as they've essentially been voiced numerous times by my fellow Windows Mobile fans that have again been alienated by Micros...
As the coffee brewed this morning, my thought about Jesse (prompted by that awesome photo of "the dog", lol), I wondered about Marcus... where is he now? Well, married, for one thing. Second thing I noticed is he lives the modern life online (and captured quite a beautiful bride) ...
Similarly WM Windows Update never contains any updates as far as I know. With multiple updates available on the PC platform via PC Windows Update, why don't you bring the same success to the mobile platform??? I think my comments deserve a response.Anonymous...
Similarly WM Windows Update never contains any updates as far as I know. With multiple updates available on the PC platform via PC Windows Update, why don't you bring the same success to the mobile platform??? I think my comments deserve a response.Anonymous...
the denuvo anti-tamper technology deployed on doom eternal may have already been compromised. early purchasers of the game discovered a folder in the game's directory containing an .exe file that can be used to replace the original one protected by denuvo. 94. the internet archive's national ...
and clear my browser cache again and again. i could use instagram’s archive tool, tell any and every app i no longer wanted to see their crappy ads until they got the hint, and quietly unfriend and unfollow. i could turn off on this day notifications in facebook and untag my ex’s...
Laurel:So yeah, how do you see the metaverse or as it's being imagined now as an opportunity for a new way of working and life in the virtual world, and what's so different about this reincarnation of it versus from years past?
I learned a very valuable lesson this year, and it is this: don’t pick the first six months of your debut child’s life as the perfect time to write a new book. My son is many things: cute as a button, utterly hilarious, filled with a variety of fluids, destined to rule this ...