Blade Runner 2049 K, an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department, unearths a secret that could create chaos. He goes in search of a former blade runner who has been missing for over three decades. Movie of the Month (August 2021) Fight Club It is based on the 1996 novel of...
It’s the Monday morning following the opening weekend of the movieBlade Runner 2049, and Eric C. Leuthardt is standing in the center of a floodlit operating room clad in scrubs and a mask, hunched over an unconscious patient. “I thought he was human, but I wasn’t sure...
the art director of the last two James Bond films (Spectre, Skyfall) to curate with the help of LA-based experience design agency Optimist (Harry Potter, Nike) and VFX graphic and sound studio Territory (Blade Runner 2049, Ghost ... G Bird - 《Blueprint》 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 ...
Internet Fandom and the Continuing Narratives of Wars, Runner andBrooker, Will
Thanks, Internet: Out-of-Print Blade Runner Sketchbook Surfaces OnlineAngela Watercutter