In light of an upcoming new era of human expansion in the universe, such as future space travel to Mars, the microbiome of the closed space environment needs to be examined thoroughly to identify the types of microorganisms that can accumulate in this unique environment, how long they persist ...
The second one (group B) was also made by the governmental tourism agency, but it shows a series of beautiful pictures and narrates the stories, tips, and travel advice about the destination (e.g., It could be regarded as a well-...
Transport costs and travel times are estimated using the network model and observed data whenever available. Two geographical and economic context binary variables are added, one describing if the OD pair has a trade agreement and the other for the existence of a land border between trading ...
2018). The more prevalent side of the debate argues that, along with its touted ability to increase economic growth, globalization can notably combat corruption. Through a process ofinstitutional diffusion, “good” practices travel across nations of the...
Third, video-conferencing and virtual meetings could reduce short and medium haul travel (<1500 km). However, in the study of Alonso et al. [9], where the structure of air traffic and its distribution among the different countries in the European Union is analyzed, results indicate that in...