In the US dollar terms, in October 2023, the export and import of China's international trade in goods and services were USD 298.0 billion and USD 271.9 billion respectively, with a surplus of USD 26.1 billion. International Trade in Goods and Services of China October2023 Item In 100 millio...
In September 2023, the export and import of China’s international trade in goods and services totalled RMB 4248.7 billion. Of this, the export of goods recorded RMB 2054.3 billion and the import recorded RMB 1674.3 billion, resulting in a surplus of RMB 380.0 billion. The export of services...
The newest rankings from QS: International Trade Rankings can include any MBA or master’s programme with the content to prepare students for a career in international trade.
Utah’s international goods exports in 2023 totaled $17.4 billion, generating over $4.0 billion in earnings and 71,891 jobs, according to a report released this week by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. These exports contributed over $8.0 billion to the state’s gross domestic product (GDP...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been slow so far in responding to the various challenges arising from the integration of electronic commerce into cross-border trading activities. This slow response in the multilateral system is largely attributable to the complex, multifaceted nature of digital...
We quantify the criticality of the world’s 1300 most important ports for global supply chains by predicting the allocation of trade flows on the global maritime transport network, which we link to a global supply-chain database to evaluate the importanc
World Institute for Strategic Economic Research WISERTrade is a reliable supplier and source of accurate and comprehensive international trade data imports and exports statistics and unique cutting edge analytics and market intelligence tools to support
Conference Name: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management (FTBM 2023) Date: 22-24 September 2023 Location: Kunming, China (Virtual) Website: The 2023 International Conference on Finance,Trade and Business Management(FTBM 20...
Key products to be presented at the trade show: ICT equipment systems IT facility solutions Network communication systems Data center infrastructure Power supply and distribution systems Refrigeration and fresh air systems Fire protection and security ...
每日一词∣2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会 the Global Trade in Services Summit of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services 2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会9月2日至6日在北京举行,主题为“开放引领发展 合作共赢未来”。共有83个国家和国际组织设展办会,超过2400家企业线下参展。