International Summer Schools at St Andrews, Cambridge & Yale - combine quality academic programs & amazing summer activities for high-school aged students.
1. 国际暑期学校 国际暑期学校(International Summer School) 这一概念起源于1871年美国哈佛大学。后来,美国教授组成严谨规范的学术委员 …|基于32个网页 2. 国际夏日学校 ...和竞和的观点出发,检视国际化的新趋势。并将重点放在课程与学制的新思维,也就是国际夏日学校(International Summer… ...
延世大学2025年暑假课程!延世大学暑期课程!\x0a延世大学2025年International Summer School!
Samiad is a weekly summer school for international students wanting to learn and develop their English skills. Find out more Today!
2024年Summer School申请日程 龙马留学院 微信:liuxue8 电话:+86-186-0102-4777 地址:中国 北京 国中商业大厦 不负韶华 END 未来可期 白丹 韩国留学规划师 ★庆熙大学 观光大学院文化产业 ★BOSSA 北京留学协会 专家委员 ★BOSSA 北京...
THE SINO-BRITISH COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL The Sino-British College International Summer School offers you the opportunity to study at SBC and immerse yourself in Chinese culture as part of an exciting short-term pro...
International Summer School on History and Cultural Heritage Preservation along the Silk Road 揭古丝路面纱 走今丝路遗迹 Unveiling the Ancient Silk Road and Re-Walking the Present Silk Road 项目时间:2024年7月15日-8月12日 Dura...
(1) No fees will be charged for this international summer school, and lunch will be provided free of charge during the summer school. (2) Please be noted that travel, accommodation, and other expenses will not be cover...
UAL International Summer School 16-18岁 UAL International Summer School是一个为期三周的夏季住宿课程,提供一个独特的机会在所有六个学院学习:坎伯韦尔艺术学院,中央圣马丁,切尔西艺术学院,伦敦学院 通讯,伦敦时装学院和温布尔登艺术学院。 课程的宿舍Sketch House - 伦敦艺术大学的新的宿舍之一,几分钟内能够抵达...
An example is the international summer school we ran atAl-Farabi Kazakh National University(KazNU) entitled “Kazakhstan and Central Asia on the Great Silk Road.” Organized by Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) jointly with a group of universities from Almaty, Beijing, Xi’an and Hong Kon...