–Bimbel (based on School Curriculum) Q: Are the teachers native or local? A: Our teachers are mostly local teachers. However, all the teachers are competence and certified teachers and are regularly trained by our native Master Trainer. ...
An international christian school incorporating the cambridge curriculum (cambridge international primary assessment) and acelerated christian education (character-building).
Our Partners CO - Hotel CO - Venue Supported By MUN Partners ‹› Media partner ‹› hello@internationalglobalnetwork.com UNITED KINGDOM 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NP, UK +44 203 476 3804 INDONESIA Jl. Gandaria III No.3C, Kramat Pela, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Dae...
This study aims to describe the comparison of writing skills in the observational reports of VII grade students of 5 Kerinci Junior High School which are taught by discovery learning methods and lecture methods in general, and describe the comparison of students with high learning motivation and low...
Besides affecting children's school readiness, this also makes it easier for children to have good academic achievements. This study aims to determine the influence of moving to the beat of early childhood self-regulation. This research was conducted on kindergarten group B students in East Jakarta...
Days Hours Minutes Seconds upcoming Indonesia International Culture Festival 2023 HARMONI INDONESIA 2nd IICF 25 October- 02 November 2023 TMII ANCOL Tanggerang Selatan Labschool Cirendeu Parade - Culture Performance - Culture Exchange - Dance Competition
The Differences in Learning Activities by Using “RPP Merdeka”and “RPP K-13” for Elementary School Teachers in Jakarta Aris Munandar, Ode Sofyan Hardi, L. Dwi Sukanti This study aims to find out the learning activities carried out by elementary school teachers who use the previous version ...
(1) Departement of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School, Airlangga University, Jl. Airlangga, Airlangga, Kec. Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60286, Indonesia , (2) Departement of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School, Airlangga University, Jl. Airlangga, Airlangga, Kec. Gubeng,...
Event Date:06 – 09 March, 2025 Frequency:Annual Location:Jakarta International Expo– JIExpo, Pt – Trade Mart Building (Gedung Pusat Niaga), Arena JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta 10620Indonesia Organizer:Dyandra Promosindo – Jalan Palmerah Selatan No.15 RT.4/RW.2 Gelora Palmerah 10270, RT...
82.Supervision And Monitoring Of English Language Curriculum: The Case Of Selected School In Cape Coast Metropolis Of Ghana 机译:英语课程的监督与监控:以加纳海角海岸大都市的部分学校为例 作者:Dr. Mustapha Bin Danquah 期刊名称:《International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research》 | 2017年第12...