Rule based order并不是基于规则的国际秩序,而是自由主义的国际秩序,核心要点包括:1liberal states应该...
名词解释:"rules-basedinternationalorder" ("基于规则的国际秩序"),指美国(以及其西方盟友)能够控制世界金融体系,维护美国霸权的国际秩序。
Welcome to the Weekly Show with Deer Wang. Today, we're gonna talk about a fascinating topic - a phrase that's been floating around for so long - "Rules-Based International Order". Yeah, the U.S. loves to use these great terms - "rules" and "order". But, they never quite tell y...
but the U.S. is always the one trying to push everyone else off the top, and China is becoming one of them. But here's the thing. This deep-rooted racism contradicts the very idea of political correctness that America claims to uphold. So, the U.S. wants this "rules-based order" ...
The exclusive clique established by the United States cannot represent the international system with the UN at its core. The so-called "rules-based international order" narrative of the United State...
As we've seen, America's "rules-based international order" is not all it's cracked up to be. It's all about "me, myself, and I." In geopolitics, it's Western-centric thinking. You know, "the West or the rest." From a racial perspective, it's white supremacy. And philosophicall...
‘international rules-based order’ that was created at the behest of the US to prevail in this conflict continued, however. It seems that the US wasn’t simply satisfied with preventing the spread of communism; its raison d’être instead transitioned from being the leader of an alliance of...
Russia has been accused of revisionism in its foreign policy, understood as an effort to undermine a 'rules-based' international order. This essay analyses the normative dimension of such revisionism. It examines Russian legal discourse in the period 2014–2019, based on case studies of Russian ...
BacklashInternational LawHuman RightsRules-based orderThis article engages with the question of whether we can identify a recent populist political 'backlash' within some Western democracies against the institutionSocial Science Electronic Publishing