COVID-19 pandemicSCIENTIFIC knowledgeENCOURAGEMENTEMPLOYMENT portfoliosDebre and Dijkstra (2021) explore international organizations (IOs)' policy response to COVID-19 in the first wave. With the continuing spread of COVID-19 around the world after the first wave, the pandemic's ...
promoted a united, global response to COVID-19, communicated the true meaning of democracy and human rights, and acted as the bulwark of following true multilateralism and upholding fairness and justice in the world.——2021年12月15日,习近平在同俄罗斯总统普京举行视频会晤时强调 【...
Politicizing the COVID-19 origin-tracing process will neither help to promote scientific research or the discovery of the truth, nor contribute to global efforts towards anti-pandemic cooperation. The international community should join hands to ensure science-based and serious origin-tracing research, ...
Not only did the enterprise respond, they began to build that TRUST that was lacking for so many years. The main workstreams that evolved from this effort identified three work-streams to accelerate and produce some tangible resources and guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 3 areas of...
COVID-19Public Health PolicyGovernancePerformanceInternational OrganizationsWe report the results of an international survey of 856 respondents from 55 countries which was conducted between late March and mid-April 2020, on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social protection policies on ...
Explaining the economic impact this pandemic is having on the world is Professor Richard Baldwin, co-author of 'Mitigating the COVID-19 Crisis: Act fact and Do Whatever It Takes'. He calls the situation a COVID-concussion for economies. Zuo Zongyou from the Chinese Students ...
"China's great efforts over the past three years have laid a solid foundation for the optimization of the COVID-19 response measures, and we are confident that we will secure a complete victory in the fight against the pandemic," it said. ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that COVID-19 is still a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), the WHO's highest alert level.The announcement came although the number of weekly deaths is almost at its lowest level since the pandemic began.The WHO's ...
The Covid-19 pandemic represents a low-probability, high-impact systemic risk that has severely disrupted international trade, reshaping the patterns of globalization. Drawing from the concept of supply chain resilience, which involves both the ability of a system to withstand an impact (robustness)...
More than 20 heads of government and global agencies called for an international treaty for pandemic preparedness that they say will protect future generations in the wake of COVID-19.