首届国际罕见病日纪念活动在欧洲各国成功举行,通过各种活动促进了社会对罕见病的认识。2009年2月28日,欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲等30多个国家的罕见病组织参加了第二个国际罕见病日的活动,其后在各国的一致拥护下,将每年二月的最后一天定为国际罕见病日。 《万分之一的普通人》国际罕见病日rare disease day 2023.299 ...
INTERNATIONAL NO DIET DAY Sssshhhh! Don’t say it. Don’t even think it. Today, nothing is to be said about diets. That’s because it’s International No Diet Day.
Conference (IRDC) and the subsequent 3-and-a-half-day NEPHIRD (Network of Public Health Institutions on Rare Disease) conference organised by Dr Domenica Taruscio, Director of the Centra Nazionale Malattie Rare (National Centre for Rare Diseases) in Rome, together held from 18-23 September ...
As Thomas Sowell wisely observed,“We have all heard the old saying that giving a man a fish feeds him only for a day, while teaching him to fish feeds him for a lifetime. Redistributionists give him a fish and leave him dependent on the government for more fish in the future.” The...
we found that the states with more restrictive standards provided no significantly greater benefits in terms of lower cost of untreated dental disease. Our estimates…show that more regulated states have somewhat higher dental prices. …Consequently, moving toward more restrictive policies that limit cus...
October 20 is Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Disease Awareness Day on the National Day Calendar. This International Day sheds a light on a disease where specific immune cells, also called mast cells, build up under the skin, bones, intestines and organs caus
international journal of pharma and bio sciences issn 0975-6299 a case of neurogenic form of wilsons disease - a rare disorder in copper transport International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences RESEARCH ARTICLE PHARMACOLOGY EVALUATION OF DNA DAMAGE BY COMET AND MTT-ASSAY IN LIVER TREATED WITH POL...
select article Digital transformation of everyday life – How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care? Research articleOpen access Digital transformation of everyday life – How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic...
Children's Day came early for a group of "Young Cultural Ambassadors" who were given the rare opportunity last Saturday, to interact with a real Ambassador Danish Embassy in Beijing makes education to be fun Denmark's Ambassador to China, H.E.A. Carsten Damsgaard served as host to greet ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines rare diseases as those with a prevalence of 0.65‰-1‰ among the total population [2]. Despite the relatively low incidence and prevalence of rare diseases, considering China’s large population, the absolute number of rare disease patients is not ...