2001年主题是:“博物馆与建设社区”(Museums: building community) 2002年主题是:“博物馆与全球化”(Museums and Globalisation) 2003年主题是:“博物馆与朋友”(Museums and Friends) 2004年主题是:“博物馆与无形遗产” 2005年主题是:“博物馆――沟通文化的桥梁 ” 2006年...
People visit the Lahore Museum on the occasion of International Museum Day in Lahore, Pakistan on May 18, 2024. (Photo by Sajjad/Xinhua) Children look at an exhibit at the Lahore Museum on the occasion of International Museum Day in Lahore, Pakistan on May 18, 2024. (Photo by Sajjad/Xinh...
To celebrate International Museum Day, a special "contest" about cultural relics in Guangdong begins. What are your favorite treasures from the province's museums? Let's have a look at the participants' introductions first! Tri-foot Bronze He (西周兽面纹青铜盉) (Photo provided to GDToday) Ag...
5月18日是“国际博物馆日”。数据显示,2021年我国博物馆接待观众7.79亿人次,线上展览和线上教育活动网络总浏览量超过41亿人次。 May 18 marks International Museum Day. Chinese museums received a total of 779 million visitors last year, and ...
国际博物馆日(International Museum Day)是一个旨在庆祝和推广博物馆在全球文化与社会发展中重要作用的国际性节日。该节日由国际博物馆协会(ICOM)于1977年发起并创立,定于每年的5月18日举行。其创立初衷是为了促进全球博物馆事业的健康发展,吸引全社会公众对博物馆事业的关注、了解...
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY Every year on May 18th, International Museum Day provides an opportunity for museum professionals to alert the general public about the importance of museums and the challenges they face. #InternationalMuseumDay Museums help to preserve the world’s culture and history. Their...
汇报人:XXXX,a click to unlimited possibilities全球博物馆日CONTENTS目录01.全球博物馆日的起源和意义02.全球博物馆日的庆祝方式和活动04.全球博物馆日面临的挑战和未来发展03.全球博物馆日的
Students visit Patan Museum in Lalitpur, Nepal, May 18, 2022. The International Museum Day falls on May 18. (Photo by Hari Maharjan/Xinhua) Photo taken on May 17, 2022 shows the National Museum of Royal Barges in Bangkok, Thailand. The National Museum of Royal Barges was established in ...
5月18日是“国际博物馆日”。数据显示,2021年我国博物馆接待观众7.79亿人次,线上展览和线上教育活动网络总浏览量超过41亿人次。 May 18 marks International Museum Day. Chinese museums received a total of 779 million visitors last year, and the exhibitions and training sessions they presented online garne...
国际博物馆日International Museum Day(博物馆是具备历史、科学、艺术价值之物品) Museum这个单词的含义是什么?在博物馆里看到的化石、标本、古董怎么说?我们常说的各种展览又该如何表达?5月18日是世界博物馆日,一起来了解关于考古、博物类的英文小知识,领略穿越时光、在知识殿堂中遨游的奥妙吧~...