The International Council of Museums (ICOM) – Hellenic National Committee will honor the National Archaeological Museum in Athens Greece, on the occasion of International Museum Day 2016 on Wednesday, May 18. The National Archaeological Museum, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary, is be...
2014年主题是:“博物馆藏品架起沟通的桥梁(Museum Collections make connections)” 2015年主题是:“博物馆致力于社会的可持续发展(Museums for a sustainable society)” 2016年主题是:“博物馆与文化景观(MuseumsandCulturalLandscapes)” 2017年主题是:“博物馆与有争议的历史:博物...
International Museum Day has been held around the 18th of May every year since 1977. It was started by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). ICOM says: “The event provides the opportunity for museum professionals to meet the public...
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY Every year on May 18th, International Museum Day provides an opportunity for museum professionals to alert the general public about the importance of museums and the challenges they face. #InternationalMuseumDay Museums help to preserve the world’s culture and history. Their...
Since its creation by the ICOM in 1977, International Museum Day has been steadily gaining attention and popularity around the world. In 2016, the International Museum Day garnered record-breaking participation with more than 35,000 museums hosting events in some 145 countries, according to the IC...
国际博物馆日(International Museum Day)由国际博物馆协会于1977年发起,定于每年的5月18日,目的是促进全球博物馆事业的健康发展,吸引公众对博物馆事业的了解、参与和关注。 国际博物馆日全面解析 国际博物馆日的由来与背景 国际博物馆日(International Museum Day)是一个旨在庆祝...
5月18日是“国际博物馆日”。数据显示,2021年我国博物馆接待观众7.79亿人次,线上展览和线上教育活动网络总浏览量超过41亿人次。 May 18 marks International Museum Day. Chinese museums received a total of 779 million visitors last year, and the exhibitions and training sessions they presented online garne...
国际博物馆日 International Museum Day 5月18日是“国际博物馆日”。数据显示,2021年我国博物馆接待观众7.79亿人次,线上展览和线上教育活动网络总浏览量超过41亿人次。 May 18 marks International Museum Day. Chinese museums received a total of 779 million visitors last year, and the exhibitions and ...
It was the first time spider fossils discovered in China have been displayed in a museum and also the first time live spiders have been shown in a domestic museum, according to curator Zhao Li. Zhao said the show integrates the theme of this year's International Museum Day: "Museums and ...
汇报人:XXXX,a click to unlimited possibilities全球博物馆日CONTENTS目录01.全球博物馆日的起源和意义02.全球博物馆日的庆祝方式和活动04.全球博物馆日面临的挑战和未来发展03.全球博物馆日的