Editorial. Criticizes efforts by the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance to create international positive laws. Erosion of sovereignty from legitimate regimes; Uniqueness of racism to each country; Conference sponsor.EBSCO_bspFar Eastern Economic Review...
Law-Making in the International Community Page 5. LAW-MAKING IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY by G. M. DANILENKOMARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LONDON Page 6.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Danilenko. NG Onuf,GM Danilenko - 《Springer Netherlands》 被引量: 89...
This chapter offers an empirical review of the changes in the law-making process, arguing that it is not as state-centric as previously understood; instead, it has evolved to include NSAs. It assesses the impact of this “pluralization ofratione personae” (p. 35) on the nature of the re...
national Law Work\n \n Making International Law Work\n\n Making International Law Work\ndoi:10.2307/3026187Rowson S. W. D.International Affairs Review Supplement
Go To Legal Compass Identify Firms Making Gender Diversity Among Senior Leadership a Priority Law Firm Management See All Law Firm Management Stories February 05, 2025 MoFo Hires Cooley’s Brussels Managing Partner to Reposition Brussels Office as 'Destination Practice' By Linda A. Thompson 4...
International Human Rights Law refers to a set of norms and principles found in international instruments that address rights such as the right to adequate housing and other related rights. AI generated definition based on:International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home,2012 ...
2nd International Conference on Decision Making in Medicine and Law: Opportunities and pitfalls of information technologies Guest editors: Giovanna Parmigiani, Gerben Meynen, Sónia Moreira and Toni Mancini The technological revolution brought about by artificial intelligence is impacting many aspects of our...
Public International LawCustomary International LawInternational Legal TheoryThis Article addresses a longstanding puzzle about customary international law (CIL): How can it be, at once, so central to the practice of international law—roSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Because of the notion of state sovereignty, international law may only be as effective as the extent of the country’s true, honest participation in making and following the international laws and treaties that they agree to. To the extent that a state may halfheartedly participate in an intern...
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