Within the system of the Charter international law is accorded a significant role. This is in keeping with the declared common intention of the founding fathers of the Organisation, as expressed in the Preamble to the Charter, 'to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the ...
Footnote 134 First, unlike other ‘publicists’, the mandate of the ILC originates directly from a collective expression of state consent, namely the UN Charter and the UNGA action establishing the ILC and electing its members.Footnote 135 Second, the ILC Statute explicitly requires representation ...
At our meeting last year, we joined the call for the Committee to consider ways to move forward on Cuba's proposal to strengthen the Organization and enhance its effectiveness-in particular by bringing the issue of reforming the UN Charter to the International Law Commission. We need to clarify...
International law: The Court, Commission and Judges Within the system of the Charter international law is accorded a significant role. This is in keeping with the declared common intention of the founding fathers of the Organisation, as expressed in the Preamble to the Charter, 'to establ... ...
ON NOVEMBER 21,1947, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 174 (II) establishing an "International Law Commission" and adopting a statute for that body. In so doing the Assembly was giving expression to Article 13 of the Charter of the United Nations, which required the Organization to "initi...
(Joseph and Kyriakakis, 2010). Firstly, the UN's Charter that applies to all 193 member states refers to human rights in the Preamble and Articles 1, 8, 13, 55, 56, 62, 68, and 76. As an example, Article 1 of the Charter defines one of the objectives of the UN as: “...
The Charter intends to amend the obstacle by providing both the ethical foundations on which data sharing should be based, as well as a general Material and Data Transfer Agreement (MTA/DTA). This Charter is the result of a careful negotiation of different stakeholders' interest and is built ...
by contrast, was designed to weld nations into a supranational bloc. …Where the Declaration of Independence promises life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, its European equivalent, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, entitles people to “strike action,”“affordable housing,” and “free heal...
From the 'International Law Among States' to 'International Integration Law' and 'Constitutional Law' The UN Charter and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties require interpreting treaties andsettling international disputes "in conformity with the pr... EU Petersmann - EUI-LAW Working ...
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa [2000] CAB/LEG/66.6. 117. Ibid. 118. For instance the Tirana Convention; which is a Soft Law instrument aiming at securing land access for the poor in times of intensified natural resource compe...