International Law and the World War, by James Wilford Garnerdoi:10.2307/2142301Munro Henry F.Political Science Quarterly
Ruth Gavison, "War and the Rule of (International) Law in the 21st Century--Lessons from Israel," Democracy and Security 1, no. 2 (2005): p. 124.Joyner, C. 2005. International Law in the 21st Century: Rules for Global Governance. New York: Rowman & Littlefield....
law of war crimes, for example by commenting on recent jurisprudence. Over the 20th century, the literature has encompassed arguments for the expansion of applicable law as well as more skeptical or conservative interpretations. Alongside and through formalist doctrinal arguments, different positions in...
简介 Interest in international law has increased greatly over the past decade, largely because of its key role in such hot-button issues such as the Iraq War and Guant...展开短评 打开App写短评 晏如2016-01-26 23:56:46 interesting details about legal claims of continental shelf and ...
international lawThird World Approaches to International LawOver the past decade there has been an explosion in literature on imperialism and international law, in particular Third World Approaches to International Law.doi:10.2139/ssrn.2100398Robert Knox...
international lawwarpreventioncollective securityWhat is the contribution of international law to the prevention of war? International lawyers point to the prohibition on war and to the system of collective seSocial Science Electronic Publishing
WAR AND THE LAW OF NATIONS This ambitious volume is a history of war, from the standpoint of international law, from the beginning of history to the present day. Its primary focus is on legal conceptions of war as such, rather than on the substantive or technical ... SC Neff 被引量: ...
Chapter 2 International Business Law and International Organizations 导读 本章的主要内容是介绍规制和影响国际商务活动的法律框架。希望学习者通过本章的学习和讨论,能够了解(1)国际法的基本概念和特征;(2)国际公法和国际私法的区别和联系;(3)国际商法的基本概念和法律渊源;(4)对国际商务和国际商法的发展具有重要影...
international lawUNJohnsonJames Turner Johnson has played a pivotal role in bringing just war thinking to the fore in international relations. This has brought with it increased interest in the relationship between the just war tradition and the laws of war. Whilst Johnson maintains that the legal...
图书International Environmental Law and Naval War 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐