Accordingly, this article tries to discuss from the perspective of both international law and national law , the legal consequences of i. 文章即根据这些特征,从国际法和国内法二个层面分别论述国际税收竞争的法律后果,说明其已成为一个不可小觑的法律问。 2. the conflicts between interna...
individualnormofinternationallaw.Internationallawcanregulateallmatters,evensuchasarenormallyregulated bynationallawonlyandhenceconsideredas“domestic”matters;forexample,constitutionalquestionssuchasthe formofgovernment,theacquisitionandlossofnationality,laborproblems,thewholedomainofsocialpolicy, ...
For international law and national constitutional law, this is a matter of common knowledge. The hierarchy or grading of norms regularly arises from an allocation of competences. Internally, this is given by constitutional law. As an example I refer to Art.31BL [Basic Law for the Federal ...
元论),international law and national law is opposite(两 者是对立的): according to connectionism(联系论) ,t hey are connectionism(两者是相互联系的) 3.国际法的渊源(Q: what are the sources of the international law) Answer:①international treaty(国际条约)② international custom(国际习惯)③ the ...
The article focuses on the interpretation and implementation of international treaty obligations. It relates the case Medellin v. Texas, wherein a Mexican national was convicted in a state court of Texas. It provides a legal background on the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause which sets the...
27. See, however, A. Mills, The Confluence of Public and Private International Law, pp. 24 and 308, who rejects the whole dichotomy underlying the question of the international or national character of private international law, which in his view is a false distinction constructed by “internat...
四、What is the relationship between international and national law? 国际法和国内法这两个不同的法律体系不是孤立存在的,而是联系密切,彼此渗透,相互补充,互相制约的的关系。 1、国家是国际法和国内法相互联系的纽带。 2、国际社会和国内社会是国际法和国内法相互联系的基础。 3、国际法和国内法相互联系是其实...
This book explores how domestic courts contribute to the maintenance of the rule of international law by providing judicial control over the exercises of public powers that may conflict with international law. The main focus of the book is on judicial control of exercise of public powers by states...