出版周期:10 issues per year 语言:English 研究方向:ROBOTICS 《国际社会机器人杂志》(International Journal Of Social Robotics)是一本以ROBOTICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer Netherlands出版商创刊于2009年,刊期10 issues per year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦ROBOTICS领域的重点研究和...
期刊语言:英语 定价:0 地址:VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址:https://www.editorialmanager.com/soro 期刊网址:https://www.springer.com/journal/12369 出版商网址:http://www.springeronline.com 返回该期刊 ...
Social Robotics is the study of robots that are able to interact and communicate among themselves, with humans, and with the environment, within the social and cultural structure attached to its role. The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics related to the latest technologies, new research ...
国际社会机器人学期刊(International Journal of Social Robotics)是一本专注于社会机器人学领域的国际学术期刊。它涵盖了人机交互、机器人认知、情感计算、社交智能等多个研究方向。该期刊的JCR分区等级反映了其在该领域内的学术声誉和影响力。 具体来说,JCR分区等级分为四个等级:Q1、Q2、Q3和Q4,其中Q1为最高等级,...
审稿时间:15 Weeks 出版周期:Continuous publication 出版国家或地区:AUSTRIA 创刊:2004 影响因子:2.1 是否预警:否 语言:English 是否OA开放访问:开放 研究方向:Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 学科领域:ROBOTICS International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS) is a JCR rank...
This journal is a periodic publication which consolidates high impact contributions from researchers and developers in the field of social robotics, offering readers a holistic view of this emerging industry. Its purpose is manifold. On the one hand, it serves as a unified publication and guide fr...
期刊网址:https://www.springer.com/journal/12369 出版商网址:http://www.springeronline.comInternational Journal of Social Robotics《国际社交机器人杂志》 (官网投稿)的纠错信息返回该期刊 请您纠错 各位老师、同学们好: 全站一万多个期刊,我们都是每天人工滚动核实、更新其投稿信息,循环一遍大概需要七八个月...
Word files are also accepted.SO-RO 默认是让你提交LaTeX的,所以能的话还是尽量用LaTeX吧。发表的...
contributions to ICSR'24 to be held in Odense, Denmark between October 23-26, 2024. This will be the first time ICSR will be hosted in Denmark and Scandinavia. The theme of this year’s conference is “Empowering Humanity: The Role of Social and Collaborative Robotics in Shaping Our Future...