International Journal of Horticulture (IJH)分子植物育种杂志 摘要: 关键词:植物学 分子植物 育种 ijh 作者: 单位: 刊名: 分子植物育种 注:因版权方要求,不能公开全文,如需全文,请咨询杂志社投稿咨询 免费咨询 杂志订阅 期刊名称:分子植物育种 分子植物育种杂志紧跟学术前沿,紧贴读者,国内刊号为:46-1068/S。
International Journal of Horticulture (IJH) 园艺产品杂志国际植物病理学同行评审植物营养采后生理热带水果 注:因版权方要求,不能公开全文,如需全文,请咨询杂志社 学术咨询 期刊咨询服务,助力升职加薪 立即咨询 分子植物育种 《分子植物育种》(CN:46-1068/S)是一本有较高学术价值的大型半月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇...
International Journal of Horticulture (IJH)
Abstracting and Indexing Information Horticulture Journal: Horticulture and Food Science journal is indexed with various databases.For details click here. We invite you all to contribute to theInternational Journal of Horticulture and Food Science (IJHFS). Online submission of the manuscript is strongly...
International Journal of Horticulture(IJH)基因组学与应用生物学Genomics and Applied Biology and space and the corre lation analysis be tween e xpression level of E.sentic osus P450gene and saponins conte nt,Hebei Nongye Daxue Xuebao (Journa l of Agricultural University of Hebei),37(3):29-33(...
Horticulture International Journal (HIJ) is an open access peer reviewed journal which is concerned with the publication of basic and applied research from all areas of horticulture. It is the branch of agriculture that deals with art, science, technology, and business of growing plants, vegetables...
Bio Chemistry Agricultural Entomology Plant Pathology Animal Science Agricultural Extension Education Agricultural Statistics Plant Breeding & Genetics Nematology Agricultural Microbiology Biofertilizer Agricultural Economics Horticulture Organic and Sustainable Agriculture ...
AI Publications is an open access peer review international journal to publish the article in the field of Agriculture, Horticulture, Food science, Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, Chemistry, Mathematics,Physics.