International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction在疫情以后,影响因子经历了一次跳水,但它的分区升级和发文量的适度控制,反而让它在学术界的地位更加稳固。审稿周期快,投稿体验良好,如果研究够硬核,不妨试试投稿,说不定能收获意外的惊喜。
The journal provides a forum for international debate on mental health and addiction-related issues, and helps make sense of the effects of mental health and addiction on individuals and societies. It reports on current information and developments in mental health and addiction-related research, poli...
3.指标分析 ①International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction的影响因子近两年上升明显,2023年最新影响因子为8.0。 ②International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction的自引率总体上不算特别高,2023年度为2.5%。 ③International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction最近五年发文量分别为108,106,297,311...
Van Gordon W, Shonin E, Zangeneh M, Griffiths MD. Work-related mental health and job performance: Can mindfulness help? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2014; 12 (2):129–137.L. Widyanto and M. Griffiths, ""Internet addiction": a critical review," International Journal...
《国际心理健康与成瘾杂志》(International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction)是一本以SUBSTANCE ABUSE-PSYCHIATRY综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer US出版商创刊于2006年,刊期6 issues per year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦SUBSTANCE ABUSE-PSYCHIATRY领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION《国际心理健康与成瘾杂志》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称INT J MENT HEALTH AD 参考...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction简介 Magazine introduction 英文简介 The journal provides a forum for international debate on mental health and addiction-related issues, and helps make sense of the effects of mental health and addiction on individuals and societies. It reports on ...
The journal provides a forum for international debate on mental health and addiction-related issues, and helps make sense of the effects of mental health and addiction on individuals and societies. It reports on current information and developments in mental health and addiction-related research, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 期刊名缩写:INT J MENT HEALTH AD期刊ISSN:1557-1874E-ISSN:1557-18822024年影响因子/JCR分区:3.2/Q1学科与分区:PSYCHIATRY - SCIE(Q1); PSYCHIATRY - SSCI(Q1); PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI(Q1); SUBSTANCE ABUSE - SCIE(Q1); SUBSTANCE ABUSE - SSCI...