IJRASET Journal is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed, UGC CARE recognized, refereed journal with high impact factor and low publication fee. We also implemented a truly open access publication model that provides open global access to its published material so that anyone can download and read articl...
International Journal with High Impact factor 7.8 and Fast publication at low publication fee. Peer reviewed, Open Access, Multidisciplinary Journal.
Review this journal’sopen access policy. Subscription No publication fee charged to authors, and published articles are immediately available to subscribers. 15 days Time to first decision 51 days Review time 114 days Submission to acceptance
The amount you pay may be reduced during submission if applicable. Review this journal’sopen access policy. Subscription No publication fee charged to authors, and published articles are immediately available to subscribers. 1 day Time to first decision ...
I’m not the only one to make this point. TheWall Street Journaleditorializedabout this issue a few days ago. Here are some excerpts. If Americans see their credit costs increase, access to credit decline, or card rewards disappear, blame the Administration’s new price controls. The Consume...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJCET),Volume 16, Issue 1,January-February 2025 Article Id :IJCET_16_01_158, Pages : 2208-2221 Published On : February 08,2025 DOI:https://doi.org/10.34218/IJCET_16_01_1581Downloads39Views0Citation ...
International Journal of Education, Training and Learning (IJETL) holds the ethics of publication as one of its core values and as such, adheres strictly to internationally accepted publication ethics. To ensure compliance, IJETL employs the double-blinded peer-review process for all articles. The...
The chart comes for aWall Street Journalcolumnby Bjorn Lomborg. Here are some excerpts. The claim that green energy is cheaper relies on bogus math that measures the cost of electricity only when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Modern societies need around-the-clock power, requir...
References to journal articles should contain names and initials of all author(s), year of publication, article title, abbreviation of the name of the journal, volume number and page numbers and the article DOI. Unpublished data, personal communications and papers ′ in preparation′ or ′ ...
but I think they are almost fair and professional. In order to attract submission from researchers, the journal should be an ISI research journal. The anuscript submission process is Hassel-free. I recommend this journal for major indexing platforms. I strongly recommend the others to s...more...