The discussion highlights appropriate film production company strategies and government policy responses that should be considered to ensure the continued success of the Indian film industry both domestically and in an increasingly competitive international market....
the gala event will felicitate the artists of the film fraternity who have put in their hard work and dedication to excel in the year 2023. DPIFF will be honouring all three prodigious segments - the Indian Film Industry, Indian Television Industry & In...
No other film festival can boast the same ambiance as the DIFF, featuring the best in Indian film. here you have chance to meet your favorite stars from film industry. INCREDIBLE CROWD Thank You !A special thanks to All our volunteers that help make the festival run so smoothly. Our volunt...
IFI will prove a beneficial platform for all those who want to make a career in film industry as our portal will largely be visited by thousands of Film professionals & companies other then masses. We have clear intentions of exposing lacs of hidden talents to the world. We invite you to ...
All singing,all dancing and unrealistic,it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies.Bollywood is the Indian film industry,based in Mumbai,formerly known as Bombay.__1__Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world.This year the Indian Filmgare Awards,Bollywood’s ...
Piyush Mishra, is an Indian film actor, music director , lyricist, singer, script and dialogue writer, and a well known theatre director and Hindi playwright. He spent his early li... More info RETROSPECTIVE COUNTRY FOCUS SAUDIA ARABIA : The cinema of Saudi Arabia is a fairly small industry...
IIFA ((International Indian Film Academy) awards were established in order to take the Indian film industry across the shores of India. The IIFA debut event in 2000 captivated the attention of millions of viewers across the nation. The IIFA best story award is one of the sub-categories of ...
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“all-talking, all-singing, all-dancing” mythologicals or historicals played an enormous role in winning acceptance for sound throughout the subcontinent and in encouraging the growth of the Indian film industry. An average of 230 features were released per year throughout the 1930s, almost ...
Best Shooting: Indian Feature FilmIshiti Best Actor: Chinese Feature FilmThe Woman Behind The Man Best Actress: Chinese Feature FilmThose Women Best Figurant: Russian Feature FilmSalyut 7, acting of Waleri Best Figurante: Chinese Feature FilmThose Women, acting of girl Hye ...