In this thoroughly updated second edition of what has quickly become the definitive text in the field of international humanitarian law (IHL), leading expert Marco Sassòli evaluates the application of IHL, the way in which hostilities should be conducted against an adversary, and the pertinence of...
public international law 【经】 国际公法 相似单词 humanitarian adj. 人道主义的(主张减轻人类苦难,改善人类生活),慈善的,供人道主义援助 n. 人道主义者;慈善家 International adj. 1. 国际的 n. 1. 国际体育比赛 2. 国际体育比赛选手 3. 外国人 international adj. 国际的,国际间进行的 n. 1.【体...
International humanitarian law and human rights law towards a new merger in international law edited by Roberta Arnold and Noelle Quenivet p cm Includes index ISBN 978-90-04-16317-1 hardback alk paper 1 Humanitarian law 2 Human rights I Arnold Roberta 1974– II Quénivet Nolle N R KZ6471I...
human rightsandinternational humanitarian law. 她前往普图马约亲自观察当地存在的 对人权和国际人道主义法的挑战。 Expressing grave concern about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of settlement activities in...
Humanitarian law.How do international human rights and humanitarian law protect vulnerable individuals in times of peace and war? Provost analyses systemic similarities and differences between the two to explore how they are each built to achieve their similar goal. He details the dynamics of human ...
国际人道主义法LA961International Humanitarian Law: 课程内容: 本课程介绍了战争法(国际人道主义法)的演变以及规范战争行为的具体制度。课程还将讨论有关使用武力的补充法律,特别是习惯自卫权和"人道主义"干预理论。在此背景下,本课程将讨论后威斯特伐利亚秩序中的国际人道法"危机"和"反恐战争"。
美 英 un.〔律〕国际人道主义法律 英汉 un. 1. 〔律〕国际人道主义法律
国际人权法, 人权法是“international human rights law"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:International human rights law and international humanitarian law are applicable in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. ↔ 国际人权法和国际人道主义法适用于被占领的巴勒斯坦领土。 international...
Therefore, it is a violation of essential principles ofinternational law,international humanitarian lawand human rights law 据此,这也属于对国际法、国际人道主义法和人权法最根本原则的违反。 MultiUn Additionally, the provisions ofinternational law,international humanitarian lawand human rights must be observ...
Humanitarian Intervention Immunities Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) International Courts International Humanitarian Law International Law and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation International Legal Protection of Women in Latin Am...