国际公法 International Humanitarianlaw国际人道主义法.pptx,International Humanitarian Law;Jus ad bellem: (战前法)law governing resort to force Jus in bello: (站时法)law regulating the conduct of hostilities (敌对双方所应该适用的规则) International H
超国家法与国家法--欧盟法与欧盟成员国国内法的关系 Supranational Law and National Law Relationship between the European Law and National Laws of Member States the applicability of international humanitarian law and the The Utilization of International Humanitarian Law and, in Particular, the Geneva Conven...
国际人道主义法LA961International Humanitarian Law: 课程内容: 本课程介绍了战争法(国际人道主义法)的演变以及规范战争行为的具体制度。课程还将讨论有关使用武力的补充法律,特别是习惯自卫权和"人道主义"干预理论。在此背景下,本课程将讨论后威斯特伐利亚秩序中的国际人道法"危机"和"反恐战争"。
Part Two –International Humanitarian LawInternational humanitarian law is a relatively new term. It is not used in the 1949 Geneva Conventions but stems from the 1974-1977 conference drafting the Additional Protocols.The term originally...doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24858-0_3Roland Otto...
Book review: Marco Sassòli, International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Controversies, and Solutions to Problems Arising in Warfare, Edward Elgar Publishing, C... Book review of Marco Sassòli, International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Controversies, and Solutions to Problems Arising in Warfare, Edward Elgar...
In this thoroughly updated second edition of what has quickly become the definitive text in the field of international humanitarian law (IHL), leading expert Marco Sassòli evaluates the application of IHL, the way in which hostilities should be conducted against an adversary, and the pertinence of...
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law - 2003 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The world's only annual publication devoted to the study of the laws of armed conflict, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic...
In international humanitarian law there are only a few rules which directly protect the environment. These rules are contained in the Additional Protocol I of 1977, the ENMOD Convention of 1976 and the Convention on Conventional Weapons, as well as in its Protocol III on Prohibitions or Restrict...
本书是有关国际人道法的简明教科书。它以国际实践确立的规则和当今的新问题为对象,有选择地、有重点地对现存的人道法规则和国家实践进行分析和总结,诸多观点源自作者在本领域里实践的亲身经验和研究中的体会。书中所涉题目涵盖了当今实践中的难点,而各章节都力争体现国际实践的现状。 本书针对的是(高年级的)本科...
Jean-Philippe LavoyerThe main purpose of this brief study is to show the importance of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977, for internally displaced persons, i.e. persons displaced within their own country, and to refu...