法国国际学校(French International School)于1964年在香港创办,是香港历史作为悠久的国际学校之一,也是香港招生规模最大的国际学校之一。学校每年吸引来自全球超过40国家的2700名学生前往中国香港地区求学,深受学生和家长的喜欢和信赖。学校拥有4个校区,分别是渣甸山校区(Jardine's Lookout),蓝塘道校区(Blue Pool Road...
Established in 1963, the French International School (FIS) is the oldest international school in Hong Kong and was the first school in Hong Kong to offer the IB (in 1988). It is a dynamic educational institution, which welcomes over 2,700 stude...
BSB is more than a major international management school, it is a real experience during which each student is challenged, supported in an innovative way to find their own career path.
to the school which could only accommodate cars. To solve the problem, Dragages proposed to construct a bus access platform on the roof, linking the school to the main road via a bridge. The innovative design successfully created an efficient loading and unloading point for the school children....
学校提供完善的艺术课程,以培养学生的批判创新思维与国际化视野,表达自我。9-10年级,艺术是必修课程。学生在9年级选择两门艺术科目;10年级则选择其中一门作为特长;11-12年级,学生可专攻电影、戏剧、音乐或美术等科目,作为IB课程的一部分。选择French Bac的学生可选修戏剧或美术。
French American International School 法美国际学校位于美国旧金山,混校非宗教院校,学校共有1092名学生,普林顿国际教育为大家整理了该院下的详细信息,供计划申请美高的家庭择校参考。学校概况 法美国际学校为学生提供富于挑战性的法语英语双语课程。此外,学校的小学部和初中部提供全面的法语沉浸式教育项目,高中部设有...
学校简介 芝加哥法国公立中学位于Illinois州The French International School, Illinois, US英文名称叫,The French International School该院校是一所走读类的大学预备高中。芝加哥法国公立中学学费是$43,540美元师生比1:09。始建于1995年,学校开设年级PreK&&12。AP课程数,SAT平均分(升学)未知。
网址:http://www.frenchamericansf.org/ 学校概况 法美国际学校为学生提供富于挑战性的法语英语双语课程。此外,学校的小学部和初中部提供全面的法语沉浸式教育项目,高中部设有法式中学毕业会考和国际中学会考学位项目。学校也是目前旧金山湾区唯一一所提供IB课程和法国大学预科文凭课程的高中。法美国际学校的学术课程在湾...
French International School of Bahrain In the spirit of the humanist values of our pedagogical and educational project, our commitment is to promote the development of the potential of each and every one of us, in a climate of high standards, trust, listening, tolerance and respect. ...
This school does not make their fees public. Your personal score Calculate!Ecole Oasis Internationale Recognized as the first school in the world authorized to teach in French the four programs of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) and as the first private French school in Egypt, ...