CHICAGO, Sept. 20, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ — The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) is proud to announce the launch of its “Flags of Fellowship” campaign, a powerful initiative designed to commemorate the first anniversary of the tragic Hamas attacks on Israel t...
The HKU International Christian Fellowship (ICF) is a community of English-speaking HKU students on a journey to explore Christianity and its truth claims about life. We welcome students of every religion, worldview, and nationality to join our events!
We can help you succeed as an international student. International Christian Fellowship is here to help you thrive in the US by helping you find a community that will support you as you adjust to a different culture and academic environment. LEARN MORE Join...
The family has served as missionaries to Cameroon and Botswana Africa for almost 18 years. They raised their daughter and son, before transferring to Greece in 2011, where they served as pastors at the International Christian Fellowship of Athens (ICF). During this time they were very involved...
Call us: 703-423-9746 Located in Fairfax, VA (Please call for directions) Welcome to International Christian Fellowship of Fairfax, Virginia! International Christian Fellowship ® Pastor Bill and his wife Jennifer Marshall.
The Rosicrucian Fellowship is composed of men and women who study the Rosicrucian Philosophy known as the Western Wisdom Teachings as presented in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. This Christian Mystic Philosophy presents deep insights into the Christian Mysteries and establishes a meeting ground for Art...
Deliverance International is a fellowship of believers that gathers together to help our community address spiritual needs in their lives. We provide Biblical Foundational Christian fellowship and deliverance ministry services. Most of our prayer sessions are conducted all across the world via the Internet...
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) Core Values and Chapter AdvancementBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksKelly J. WrightMiriam A. AnsongMarissa Cushing
BICF (Beijing International Christian Fellowship) is an international non-denominational church in Beijing China with people from over 70 nations. It is Multicultural, Bible-centered gathering for foreign passport holders. Services are conducted in 9 different languages including Korean, Indonesian, Japanes...
...des Evangelical Mission)、国际基督徒团契(International Christian Fellowship)和苏丹内地会(Sudan Interior Mission)集合人力|基于4个网页 2. 国际基督教团契 美国大学简介... ... Cornerstone Christian Fellowship; 房角石基督教团契 International Christian Fellowship; 国际基督教团契 ......