作者:Paul R. Krugman 出品人: 页数:0 译者: 出版时间:2008-05-01 价格:USD 180.00 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:9780321571441 丛书系列: 图书标签:经济学Economics教材金融macrointernational英文原版economics, International Economics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
paul r krugman:保罗·克鲁格曼 星级: 20 页 鲁格曼Paul Krugman-Paul R. Krugman Recipient Of The 2008 Nobel Prize In Economics 1 星级: 5页 鲁格曼Paul Krugman-Paul R. Krugman Recipient Of The 2008 Nobel Prize In Economics 2 星级: 5页 r. paul 星级: 2页 Paul R. T 星级: 19 页 ...
international economics, 8e (krugman) ii chapter 12 national income accounting and the balance of payments1) a country's gross national product (gnp) is a) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time 2、period....
International Economics, 8e (Krugman) II Chapter 12 National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments 1) A country's gross national product (GNP) is A) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.B) ...
International EconomicsTheory and PolicyInternational EconomicsTheory and PolicySIXTH EDITIONPaul R. KrugmanPrinceton UniversityMaurice ObstfeldUniversity of California, BerkeleyBAD GUY NOTICE: I only scanned this book to help my fellow students. If you like the book, go buy it. However, if you can'...
1.1 why to study International Economics 上传者:lfcacademy 01:04 1.2 what International Economics study 上传者:lfcacademy 04:15 1.3 gains from trade with 6 questions 上传者:lfcacademy 03:22 1.5 how much trade 上传者:lfcacademy 01:32
作者:Paul Krugman 出品人: 页数:328 译者: 出版时间:1986-07-08 价格:USD 32.00 装帧:Paperback isbn号码:9780262610452 丛书系列: 图书标签:trade金融国际贸易strategicpolicy Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
International Economics: Theory and Policy plus MyEconLab plus eBook 1-semester Student Access Kit, 7/EPaul R. KrugmanMaurice Obstfeld
国际经济学:理论与政策(第十一版)英文版课件C17_Krugman_11e InternationalEconomics:TheoryandPolicy EleventhEdition Chapter17OutputandtheExchangeRateintheShortRun Copyright©2018,2015,2012PearsonEducation,Inc.AllRightsReserved LearningObjectives(1of2)17.1Explaintheroleoftherealexchangerateindeterminingtheaggregate...