When calling an international number with a country code that starts with 0 (zero), drop the zero before dialing the number. The zero is a “trunk code” used to make domestic calls within some countries. The plus sign (+) used before an international telephone number can either be dialed...
International dialing codes with instructions on how to make international calls from various countries. Country codes for hundreds of countries included.
Locate the Operators in the zone and code to find the cell phone codes near the city or area. Follow the dial instructions. How to dial from Europe? Dial the international access prefix (00 or similar), country code and the destination phone number. Dialing from Europe List of dial ...
Locate the Operators in the zone and code to find the cell phone codes near the city or area. Follow the dial instructions. How to dial from America? Dial the international access prefix (00 or similar), country code and the destination phone number. Dialing from America List of dial ...
Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes: CountryCountry CodeCity Codes Cambodia 855 Mobile codes: 92, 83, 998, 84, 1, 999, 89, 81 View dialing codes and compare Cambodia phone cards Cameroon 237 Mobile codes: 99, 7, 9 View dialing codes and ...
Country NameDialing Code Uganda 256 Ukraine 380 United Arab Emirates 971 United States 1 Uruguay 598 Uzbekistan 7 United Kingdom 44 Back to topV Country NameDialing Code Vatican city 39 Vietnam, Socialist Republic of 84 Venezuela 58 Back to topW...
Find ISD Codes or International Dialing Codes of all the Countries using our ISD code Search Engine/Finder. Also Get the Country Telephone codes of different countries.
code, while (0) indicates the National Direct Dialing. If you are calling from another country, the National Direct Dialing does not need to be used after dialing the country code. On the other hand, when dialing from within that country, the National Direct Dialing would be used and the ...
For domestic telephone calls within the country of your location, you need to dial the National Direct Dialling (NDD) prefix (if such exists), and only after that the city calling code and a local phone number.List of all country calling codes, international and national dialing prefixes...
International country codes or dialing codes follow in the table below.International dialing codes. First explanations how to use the codes, together with the IDD, the international direct dialing prefix. Examples how to use the country codes in your phone call ...