2027 星期日 3月21日 (日) International Day of Forests United Nations Observance 2028 星期二 3月21日 (二) International Day of Forests United Nations Observance 2029 星期三 3月21日 (三) International Day of Forests United Nations Observance 2030 星期四 3月21日 (四) International Day of Fores...
And that’s not all that forests do for our environment! International Day of Forests dates YearDateDay 2025 March 21 Friday 2026 March 21 Saturday 2027 March 21 Sunday 2028 March 21 Tuesday 2029 March 21 Wednesday International Day of Forests related holidays SatNov 15 America Recycles Day ...
United Nation Holidays on 2025年3月21日星期五 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination World Poetry Day World Down Syndrome Day International Day of Forests Fun Holiday on 2025年3月21日星期五 Common Courtesy Day Be courteous and kind to one another. More ...
of us can raise awareness for tiger conservation. The day aims to build a worldwide system that will be dedicated to protecting tigers and their natural habitats. A safe and thriving habitat for tigers means that we conserve other species and our forests, too. Through International Tiger Day ...
of our water challenges. We need to do so much more with ‘green’ infrastructure and harmonize it with ‘grey’ infrastructure wherever possible. Planting new forests, reconnecting rivers to floodplains, and restoring wetlands will rebalance the water cycle and improve human health and livelihoods....