2022 星期二 8月9日 (二) World Indigenous Peoples’ Day United Nations Observance 2023 星期三 8月9日 (三) World Indigenous Peoples’ Day United Nations Observance 2024 星期五 8月9日 (五) World Indigenous Peoples’ Day United Nations Observance 2025 星期六 8月9日 (六) World Indigenous People...
Over the last 20 years Olympic Day has been associated with Olympic Day Runs all over the world. Olympic Day is nowadays developing into much more than a run or just a sports event. Based on the three pillars “move”, “learn” and “discover”, National Olympic Committees and the Inter...
The International Day for Biological Diversity Event 2023 kicks off in Kunming on May 22, which marks the first International Day for Biological Diversity since the adoption of Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) with the theme of "From Agreement to Acti
2022 星期五 11月25日 (五) World Day to Eliminate Violence on Women United Nations Observance 2023 星期六 11月25日 (六) World Day to Eliminate Violence on Women United Nations Observance 2024 星期一 11月25日 (一) World Day to Eliminate Violence on Women United Nations Observance 2025 星期二...
Adelaide International 3 Day Event 2023As the major feature of the post Covid reinvented Adelaide Equestrian Festival, the Adelaide International CCI5* is a thrilling equestrian event that captures the essence of the Southern Hemisphere’s love for horses. It’s an event that has grown in ...
c1jb2x1bw4udgitz3jpzc1jb2x1bw5bzgf0ys10b29sc2v0lwjsb2nrcy1ncmlklwnvbhvtbj0imzazngziztg4nmmxmta1ngu5nwi0nmiwowqzztqxmtiixsb7igrpc3bsyxk6igzszxg7ih0glnrilwnvbnrhaw5lciaudgity29udgfpbmvylwlubmvye3dpzhroojewmcu7bwfyz2luojagyxv0b30gih0g international nash day 2023 june 20, 2023...
International Day of Peace in 2023 is on the Thursday, 21st of Sep (9/21/2023). International Day of Peace is on the 264nd day of 2023. There are 101 days left in the year. International Day of Peace Facts Date: Sep 21, 2023 International Also Called: International Day of Peace Cele...
The theme for International Day Against Homophobia in 2024wasNo one left behind: Equality, Freedom and Justice for all. In 2023, the themewasTogether always: united in diversity. The large majority of the countries where same-sex sexual activity is illegal are located in Africa (36 countries) ...
The event, originally booked for December 3rd, will be postponed to March 18th, 2023 in keeping with recent local regulations regarding the Covid-19 restrictions and large social gatherings. Preparations for the International ...
These funds, raised by Friends of ZIS, are dedicated back to school events and special donations organized by the parent organization. Overall, it was a fabulous day filled with learning and exchange, community building, and plenty of fun and games. When we...