swatted away what it tartly called the department’s “government-always-wins” argument…the court said, not only has the Energy Department acted in excess of statutory authority, but the record also contains “ample evidence” that the department’s new rulesreducedefficiency inbothenergy and wa...
M23 made an earlier play for power over a decade ago under a Rwandan Tutsi, General Bosco “The Terminator” Ntaganda (jailed for 30 years by the International Criminal Court in 2019 for war crimes and crimes against humanity). M23 took the Nord-Kivu capital of Goma, but were defeated in...
The International Criminal Court's cases in Kenya: origin and impact. Online: Institute for Security Studies. https://www.issafrica.org/uploads/Paper237.pdf.Wanyeki, L. Muthoni. "The International Criminal Court's Cases in Kenya: Origin and Impact." Institute for Security Studies Papers, no...
What we really need is for the Supreme Court to rule that the entire practice of civil asset forfeiture is unconstitutional. Unlike criminal asset forfeiture, there’s no finding of illegal behavior in cases of civil asset forfeiture. Indeed, in many cases, the government steals the property of...
M23 made an earlier play for power over a decade ago under a Rwandan Tutsi, General Bosco “The Terminator” Ntaganda (jailed for 30 years by the International Criminal Court in 2019 for war crimes and crimes against humanity). M23 took the Nord-Kivu capital of Goma, but were defeated in...
On July 19, 2024, human rights group Viasna announced1that the Minsk Regional Court in Belarus had sentenced German citizen Rico Krieger to death. Krieger has been charged with six violations of the Belarusian Criminal Code, including “mercenary activity,”“agent activity,”“act of terrorism,...
Germany has quasi-decriminalized: in 1994, the Federal Republic’s top court ruled that states and localities had the option to drop criminal penalties for personal possession, and most of them have. Switzerland and the Czech Republic have both seen decriminalization bills narrowly defeated in rec...
property cases, China's top ten intellectual property cases in the courts, Supreme Court’s guidance cases, typical cases, and cases published in the gazette. Tian Tai has excelled in the cross-protection of commercial secrets in criminal and civil matters, successfully handling numerous difficult...
(SNAP) since 2012, according to court documents… On his food stamp application in 2012, Sofer claimed to make $250 a week, or about $13,000 a year…in 2012, however, he listed his income for 2011 at $100,000, and assets at more than $600,000, according to the criminal complaint...
community and highly favourable reviews have been given to the perseverance and skill showcased by the organizing college. In light of these factors as well as the path charted by the International Criminal Court, Symbiosis Law School, Pune is pleased to annou...