In order to support our exploratory theoretical research we have conducted a systematic electronic search using ProQuest, Social Science Citation Index, EBSCO, ScienceDirect and other bibliographic sources, such as unpublished doctoral theses. In addition to the search for referred journal articles, we ...
Journal Issue View Current Issue Note Any communication from IJIRSS will come through official channels by IJIRSS receives submissions through itsonline submission system. Current Issue International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies (IJIRSS) ...
《International Journal of Communication》致力于发表关于传播学理论、实践和政策的原创研究。它涵盖了传播学的各个领域,包括媒体研究、文化研究、政治传播、社会心理学、组织传播、公共关系、广告、数字传播等,目标是推动跨学科的对话,促进全球范围内的传播研究。杂志是一本在线多媒体学术期刊,坚持同行评审的最高标准,并...
The Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR) is the first scholarly journal dedicated to human and mediated communication issues associated with crises, risks, and emergencies around the world. The journal is supported by an international editorial board comprised of top...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transferis a leading international journal in the field and serves as the vehicle for the exchange of basic ideas inheatandmass transferbetween research workers and engineers throughout the world. It focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental … ...
International Communication is an established field of study taught widely around the world under a variety of names. Journal of International Communication (JIC) is a refereed journal the field of international communication calls its own and one that provides a forum for discussion for the various...
IJR Journal is Multidisciplinary, high impact and indexed journal for research publication. IJR is a monthly journal for research publication.
The Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR) is the first scholarly journal dedicated to human and mediated communication issues associated with crises, risks, and emergencies around the world. The journal is supported by an international editorial board comprised of top...
1.700 出版商: Wiley-Blackwell ISSN: 1074-5351 浏览: 8674 关注: 2 征稿 Aims and Scope The International Journal of Communication Systems provides a forum for R&D, open to researchers from all types of institutions and organisations worldwide, aimed at the increasingly important area of communicatio...
Inderscience is a global company, a dynamic leading independent journal publisher disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological eco