This year, to express our deep - seated affection and festive joy, we have specially prepared a New Year's gift for you: the exclusive WeChat red - packet covers of the International College of UCAS! These covers are not ...
平均成績:92.5% 雅思成績:7.5 已獲錄取: 愛丁堡大學醫學科學(Medical Sciences) 倫敦大學學院(UCL)應用醫學科學(Applied Medical Sciences) 倫敦國王學院(KCL)生物醫學科學(Biomedical Sciences) 布裏斯托大學(Bristol)生物醫學科學(Biomedical Sciences) 經驗總結: 孟思言在2019年10月15日就向英國大學申請平臺UCAS遞交了...
of international students said they would be less likely to apply to a UK university or college without UCAS. 78 % of international students would recommend other countries move to a UCAS-style system.
UCAS has a huge amount of support available for our extensive network of over 3,000 expert international registered centres, located in over 150 countries and territories. Our best-in-class support, resources and training help school, college, independent and agent counsellors in guiding their stud...
They took part in a variety of activities and got a first-hand glimpse into life at MIT, directly from the students themselves. read more News A Future Focused Approach Our Head of 6th Form, Dr Kirsten Dickers, shares insights into how we are preparing our students for their UCAS ...
Please note boarders may arrive up to a maximum of 2 days before the start of each term and must vacate one day after the College term ends. Headstart / UCAS Programme Monday 19 Aug to Sunday 01 Sep 2024 Term 1 Dates (Year 11) ...
of International College in UCAShave brought this ancient sport to Yanqi Lake, a place of great significance for China's international exchanges. It has been given a new mission to serve as a medium for cultural exchange, colli...
针对平日的小测试中学生体现的学术薄弱环节,老师会有针对性的进行训练帮助学生提高考试表现。在素质教育板块,学校开设:·常规课外活动· 以职业规划为中心的课外活动· 大学入学考试能力测试准备· 工作观察和志愿服务· 暑期后UCAS项目(8月)· 校外户外项目· 亲善大使项目· 扩展项目资格这些项目的广度,...
Study an undergraduate degree at a UK university through UCAS Clearing. Clearing matches international students to vacant UK university places.
Oxford International College(简称OIC)位于牛津市中心,毗邻牛津大学,是一所面向国际学生开放的英国顶尖高中。 该校是英国成绩最好的公学之一,提供A-Level和一年制GCSE课程。OIC最大的特色就是注重职业课程,整合了成功的三种关键技能,分别是“卓越学业”、“职业发展”...