The classification of investments by type and the somewhat arbitrary assignment of the number of years over which each investment must be written off are called depreciation schedules. The imperfect design of these schedules creates unequal tax rates on investment across industries. …Adopting full ...
The active use of the latest information technologies and non-cash payment forms has led to an increase in various types of fraud in the financial sector. Moreover, virtually all spheres of public relations now fall under the risk of fraudulent schemes, starting from financial credit an...
ⅲ. Classification of B/L 1. Whether or not the consignee is named (1) Straight bill of lading Straight bill of lading (2) Order bill of lading (3) Bearer bill of lading 2. On board (loaded/shipped) bills of lading and received-for-shipment bills of lading VOSS诉APL记名提单项下未...
‡ Performance has been presented for the A-series mutual funds and has been calculated net of fees. Performance has been expressed in Canadian dollars. § Emerging and Frontier Markets classification is based on the MSCI Country Classification Standard. ‖ See benchmark history. ¶ Equity holdi...
The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements should be consistent between accounting periods. Comparative information should be disclosed in respect of the previous period for all amounts reported in the financial statements. ...
The tax proposals identified in this Tax Alert are designed to raise tax revenues to fund the Biden Administration's priorities. If enacted, they would significantly increase taxes on US multinational companies. Their prospects for enactment, however, appear dim, given the current composition of Con...
Table 1 The classification of Escitalopram Oxalate Full size table Fig. 1 The classification of surveyed drugs and the relationship between bid-winning drugs and alternative drugs Full size image Outcome measures We used three outcome indicators in this study: volume, expenditures, and daily cost. ...
The cross-sectional regression is estimated for each industry with at least 20 observations in a given year based on the Industry Classification Benchmark of the OSIRIS database OSIRIS MACC_QUALITY A modified accruals quality based on Wysocki (2009). It equals the ratio of the standard deviation...
Other issues are classification issues concerning the decision of whether or not a lease is a finance or an operating lease. The IASB and FASB have decided that lessee accounting should be completed by June 2011, but there are some issues that still need to be clarified. Leaseurope has been...