I. In Principle and Essence.1. Early Use of Term:Unlike "Christian" (the King James Version), the term "Christianity," so far as is known, was first used by the Christians themselves, but does not occur in the New Testament. It is exactly parallel to Judaism ("the Jews' religion")...
Nor was it the NationalChristianGerman Workers Party. …The lie that Nazism was capitalist instead of what the Nazis themselves said it was (namely,socialist) derives from the fact that the Hitler regime did not engage in wholesale or widespread nationalization of businesses. In the Third Reich,...
If you want Amnesty to help your cause, perish the thought you are a Christian persecuted in a Muslim majority state. These are Amnesty’s forgotten victims. Whilst Christians insome areasface genocide, Christianity is more often referenced by Amnesty International as part of the far-right moveme...
Nor was it the National Christian German Workers Party. …The lie that Nazism was capitalist instead of what the Nazis themselves said it was (namely, socialist) derives from the fact that the Hitler regime did not engage in wholesale or widespread nationalization of businesses. In the Third Re...
Christian prophets appeared within the church from its beginning. Nor were they confined to communities of Jewish Christians; prophecy appeared spontaneously wherever Christianity spread. We are told of prophets in the churches of Jerusalem and Caesarea where the membership was almost purely Jewish; at...
Almost all of Christian scholarship approaches the NT from a Western and Hellenistic (Greek) mindset, and for most they are not even aware of their pre-suppositions. This may be in part because so many historical and cultural understandings over the centuries re-enforced this approach. But sin...
CST is a charity that protects British Jews from anti-Semitism and related threats by providing security advice and training for Jewish communal organisations, schools and synagogues. CST promotes good relations between British Jews and the rest of British society by working towards the elimination of...
There IS a political axis of evil running strong in the United States that underpins the Bush regime, which includes the oil industry, military-industrial complex (MIC), other transnationals, and the Christian Right, all important contributors to the Bush electoral triumph, and each of which ...
Jesus Christ: The Founder of the Christian religion; the promised Messiah and Saviour of the world; the Lord and Head of the Christian church. ⇒See a list of verses on JESUS, THE CHRIST in the Bible. I. The Names. 1. Jesus: ...
guides the free man's "walk." Flesh and spirit are, opposing principles: deliverance from "the flesh" and its "works" is found in possession by "the Spirit," who bears in those He rules His proper "fruit." `Crucified with Christ' and `living in the Spirit,' the Christian man keeps...