Which is why I don’t think a left-right spectrum is a good way of describing political and philosophical divisions. I prefer this triangle, which shows libertarianism at the top of the triangle and competing strains of authoritarianism at the lower points. Now let’s look at what others hav...
…The persistence of the illegal pot business in the face of state legalization reflects a variety of forces. …high taxes on legal sales fan the embers of illicit ones. “When you start seeing tax rates that are approaching 30 to 40 percent on products, it’s really going to be difficult...
each dataset was processed separately, including subjects of all ancestries. Sample exclusion criteria: using SNPs with call rates >95%, samples were excluded with call rates <98%, deviation from expected inbreeding coefficient (fhet
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which provide an indication of the number of people for whom the level of distress exceeded the time and inhibition threshold for calling a helpline, regardless of the nature of the problem. This, in addition to offering a measure of revealed distress independent from potential experimenter demand...
Consequently, this heightened health literacy may propel rural residents towards active participation in a spectrum of digital health behaviors, including but not limited to health information retrieval and digital health management. As evidenced by the findings in columns (3) and (4) of Table 2, ...
Yes. We absolutely think about our calendar in a way that's going to be balanced and continue to meet the needs of all of our customers across the different spectrum of their price sensitivity or their appetite for premium versus value. So -- but we are always focused on innovation at Pa...
PMI plans to apply an impact valuation model to quantify the value of the forest services provided beyond wood production in the Perfect Forest™. Impact valuation enables us to understand the full spectrum of benefits associated with a particular investment over and above simple financial terms. ...
It’s more like operating a lamp with a dimmer switch rather than an on/off switch. Here’s my back-of-the-envelope attempt to show that there’s a spectrum of options, with global government on the left and sovereignty on the right. ...
I likesmall governmentandlow tax ratesbecause I’m an economist. But I’ma libertarianfor a different reason. I don’t want government to have a lot of power because I don’t trust politicians and bureaucrats to treat people decently. ...