讲座介绍 Introduction Komron Rajabiyon是一名发展金融从业人员,目前在总部位于北京的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)担任投资副官,他将分享他在国际发展领域的个人经验。拉贾比扬先生来自塔吉克斯坦,其职业生涯跨越多个部门,重点关注中亚、西亚、东欧和高加索地区的可持...
Introduction to International Business and its Benefits In today’s increasingly interconnected world,international businessplays a vital role in theglobal economy. This type of business involves the exchange of goods, services, and capital acrossinternational borders, which empowers businesses to expand t...
Advanced Technology: CMB has developed the online international business system that can apply for online foreign exchange transaction, the online application for L/C, remittance, trade financing and international factoring, business inquiries and so on . Professional Service: CMB’ was the first bank ...
1Introduction 2Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing 1.1 7Cs of Writing Style 1.2 13 Parts of Business Letter 1.3 4 formats of Business Letter 3Unit 2 General Procedure of Foreign Trade 4Unit 3 Establishing Business Relation ...
Germans are renowned for their emphasis on order and organisation. They place great importance on good manners and punctuality. There is a definite separation between private and business life and high levels of formality exist. Customs & celebrations ...
1.Whatisinternationalbusiness?Definition Internationalbusinessisdescribedasanybusiness activitiesthatcrossesnationalboundaries.Theentities(实体)involvedinbusinesscanbeprivate,governmental,oramixtureoftheabovetwo.Itsform:ExportForeigntradeImport buyersellerProducerWholesalerRetailerCustomerConsumerCustomsPort Words&Expressions bu...
Introduction to Business Finance (Core) 商业金融概论 Organisational Behaviour (Core) 组织行为 Principles of Marketing (Core) 市场营销原理 Principles of Microeconomics (Core) 微观经济学原理 Trade and International Business (Core) ...
That is why the success of international business transactions depends not only on verbal communication; but also on business correspondence. The course Business Correspondence for International Trade will help you learn how to make an effective and successful business letter. By offering writing ...
For centuries, importing and exporting has often involved intermediaries, due in part to the long distances traveled and different native languages spoken. The spice trade of the 1400s was no exception. Spices were very much in demand because Europeans had no refrigeration, which meant they had ...