The Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), a pictorial scale for the measurement of pleasure and arousal dimensions of emotions, is one of the most applied tools in the emotion research field. Objective We present a detailed description of a remote method to collect affective ratings in response to pict...
The International Affective Picture System (IAPS) was developed to provide a large set of standar-dized, emotionally evocative, internationally accessible photographs from a wide range of seman-tic categories. The researcher used the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), a non-verbal pictorial as-sessment...
Adaptation of the normative rating procedure for the International Affective Picture System to a remote formatThe Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM), a pictorial scale for the measurement of pleasure and arousal dimensions of emotions, is one of the most applied tools in the emotion research field.We ...
The order of authors should match the order in the submission system. Carefully check that all names are accurately spelled. If needed, you can add your name between parentheses in your own script after the English transliteration. Affiliations. Add affiliation addresses, referring to where ...
Given the importance of social interaction for both language and science knowledge learning, it is important to consider the affective side of learning, particularly for those students who are learning science in a new language. Wang (2020) notes that teachers should employ a variety of teaching ...
TF-CBT components include Psychoeducation, Relaxation, Affective Modulation, Cognitive Coping, Trauma Narrative and Processing of the Trauma, In-vivo exposure (if needed), Conjoint session, and Enhancing Safety Skills. TF-CBT has 12 RCTs supporting its efficaciousness compared to supportive therapy, ...
Students used affective language in connection with these characteristics, indicating Emotional Presence (Cleveland-Innes & Campbell,2012) regarding the technology. The student preference theme also corresponded with facets of the Learner Presence (Anderson,2016; Shea & Bidjerano,2012), as they showed ...
pictorial, non-mathematical way, but gradually, the pictorial representations are pared back until players are moving through screens of more standard algebraic syntax. Another example is provided byFoldIt, which adopts molecular schematics as the target epistemic form and engages players in structuring...
(Decreasecondition). A picture selected from the International Affective Pictorial System (IAPS; Lang et al.,2008), showing either a negative or neutral scene, was then presented for 10 s, after which subjects rated their negative affect using a 7-point scale. Trials were separated by a ...
TF-CBT components include Psychoeducation, Relaxation, Affective Modulation, Cognitive Coping, Trauma Narrative and Processing of the Trauma, In-vivo exposure (if needed), Conjoint session, and Enhancing Safety Skills. TF-CBT has 12 RCTs supporting its efficaciousness compared to supportive therapy, ...