through the myriad opportunities that await those with an international studies degree. Whether you’re a current student eager to unlock your potential or a prospective learner considering the fascinating realm of global affairs, join us as we unveil the top 15 international studies degree jobs. ...
International AffairsWorld politics【CateGory Index】: D777.4doi:10.1057/9780230554764_10Overview, DegreeEconomic Monthy
Master’s degree in Communications, Journalism, Political Science, International Relations, Public Affairs, Marketing, Business/Finance with at least 8 years’ experience in corporate communications, international relations, public affairs, political science, or other related field. Solid background in comm...
The Eiffel scholarship program was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a tool to allow French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students for Master’s and PhD degree programs. Eiffel scholarship-holders receive a monthly allowance and other expenses such as return...
is a resource for making sound career choices. It examines issues, ideas, and resources related to careers in international affairs and is particularly valuable for those interested in exploring a career in international education, exchange, and development.More» ...
After all that would save money, eliminate poverty, and get rid of bureaucracy. But that simple analysis overlooks the fact that all l0w-income people in the country would then have an incentive to lose their jobs and become wards of the state. ...
Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in or related to Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Zoology, Botany, Conservation Biology, or Forest Conservation. At least three years of relevant work experience. Good knowledge of the fauna of Hong Kong and South China. Experience in biodiversity survey...
“Now I work for the Office of International Student Affairs. It has been helpful to earn some extra spending money,” says Lee, a sophomore with an undeclared major. Lee learned about campus jobs through his financial aid award. He was automatically eligible for work at the dini...
5-7 years of pharmaceutical experience a minimum of 3 years advertising and promotion regulatory experience preferred but may consider medical/scientific affairs with a of minimum 5 years direct advertising and promotion review experience. Minimum Bachelor's Degree (or equivalent) in scie...
International studies majors may be suited for work with nongovernmental organizations such as Doctors Without Borders; service or nonprofit organizations; or government organizations such as the Peace Corps. Those interested in foreign relations positions, like political affairs officer, can work with gove...