Because Vref value depends on the board. So, my suggestion that you can use the example that was attached in the package, then you can ensure that setting for ADC is correct, then change one of channel that measured to temperature channel. For example: I used this example: Follow to ...
C8051F310/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 8/16 kB ISP Flash MCU Family Analog Peripherals - 10-Bit ADC (C8051F310/1/2/3/6 only) • Up to 200 ksps • Up to 21, 17, or 13 external single-ended or differen- tial inputs • VREF from external pin or VDD • Built-in temperature sensor...
The operation of each feedback loop is opposite to that of the traditional TL431 shunt regulator where the reference voltages of the voltage feedback loop and the current feedback loop (VREF_CV and VREF_CC) are analog output voltages from 11-bit DAC and 10-bit DAC, respectively. The ...
The relationship between the output voltage and VREF_CV is Vo (VREF _ CV R1 R2) R2 NS N AUX N S means Secondary winding turns, N AUX Auxiliary winding turns. (4) means The PN8570 operates in PFM_QR mode during full load mode, since the peak current (Ipeak) of...
2, in the case that an active signal PACT having a predetermined pulse width is generated, when an external voltage VEXT of a low level is applied, an internal voltage VCCA which maintains a level of a reference voltage VREF is overdriven by an amount equal to a voltage Δ, and reaches ...
The capacitors used are small, and to external circuitry the average loading appears resistive. This structure is shown in Figure 26. The resistance is set by the capacitor values and the rate at which they are switched. Figure 25 shows the on/off setting of the switches illustrated in ...
VDD SGM58031 AIN0 VDD AIN1 GND VDD AINP AINN AIN2 GND VDD AIN3/VREFIN GND GND GND Figure 6. SGM58031 MUX When measuring single-ended inputs it is important to note that the negative range of the output codes are not used. These codes are for measuring negative differential signals ...
In this case, the direct current path P is not formed, but a dead-zone may be formed. As illustrated in FIG. 2, the dead-zone refers to a zone where the internal voltage VINT of the internal voltage generator100is randomly distributed between the first reference voltage VREF_UP and the...
This is the input to the on-chip reference buffer. The buffer's output is provided REFEN ACTION 1 Internal Reference disabled; REFOUT = High Impedance 0 Internal Reference enabled; REFOUT = +10V TABLE I. REFEN Action. at the VREF pin. In this configuration, VREF is used to setup the ...
VREF+ = 2.5 V over recommended operating free-air temperature range, VREF+ = 2.5 V, I/O CLOCK frequency = 10 MHz, VCC = 2.7 V, Load = 25 pF (unless otherwise noted) tw1 Pulse duration I/O CLOCK high or low tsu1 Set-up time DATA IN valid before I/O CLOCK rising edge (see Fi...