Negative comments in methodological literature about the internal validity of AB, ABC, and ABA designs without reversal should be qualified in the context of aphasiological research, because the influence of history and maturation (with patients who are more than 1 year post-onset) is small.doi:...
The research materials and tools were represented in the origami art program, the mind habits scale, and the visual thinking scale prepared by the researcher, and after ensuring the stability and validity of the tools, the researcher applied them to the research sample before and after and then...
The Relation between Categories of Description and an Interview Protocol in a Case of Phenomenographic Research. [Report] 1983:02. This paper deals with how the validity of a category describing a person's conception of a phenomenon is established. The presentation is confined to the r... Svens...
2,3have resulted in a noninvasive treatment regimen for (proximal) enamel caries aimed at closing the gap between preventive and restorative dentistry, thus obviating any sacrifice of dental tissues and improving oral health4. When the low-viscosity resin used in this treatment regimen has been...
Finally, as with all patient-level trials, external validity can be limited because participants differ from those who decline. However, to our knowledge, this trial’s enrollment rates were higher than those in many published sociobehavioral intervention studies.5,49 Conclusions This study supports ...
Marcos Alencar Abaide BalbinottiUniversidade Federal de Santa CatarinaValentini, N.; Barbosa, M.; Cini, G.; Pick, R.; Spessato, B.; Balbinotti, M. Test of gross motor development: Expert validity, confirmatory validity and internal consistence. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human ...
We do not question the validity of a carbon budget approach in determining mitigation requirements. However, due to intrinsic uncertainty arising from internal variability, it may only be possible to determine the exact year when a budget is exceeded in hindsight, highlighting the importance of a ...
Evaluation of the validity of the Foot Function Index in measuring outcomes in patients with foot and ankle disorders. There is uncertainty regarding which outcomes tools should be used to report the results of treatment for patients with foot and ankle disorders. This stud... NF Soohoo,DB Sami...
[ABA] 2005; Financial Execu- tives Institute [FEI] 2005; Microsoft 2005; Powell 2005). Regulators insist that the internal control requirements of Section 404 should result in higher quality financial reporting, which in turn should lower cost of capital (U.S. House of Representatives 2005;...
To report a validity between the authors who evaluated the literature, we have applied the Kappa index which looks at the concordance between the results of included studies and which reported a mean value of 0.88, which indicates that there was a high concordance. 2.5. Data Collection Process ...