Papers on the classification of stresses and of tessellated stresses are succeeded by reviews of the origin of stresses in copper alloys (leading to stress-corrosion cracking), steel castings and electro-deposited metals. Specific examples are turbine rotors, beams and glassware. Reports are given ...
Icosahedral quasicrystals were examined by convergent-beam and small-area-parallel-beam electron diffraction. Advances in the quality of Icosahedral quasicrystals were described. It was found that an alloy of Al70Pd20Mn10 has the best qualified icosahedral phase at present. The space group of an ...
The stress-time relation during stress relaxation is interpreted in terms of a power relation between dislocation velocity and the effective stress. Such interpretation gives not only the velocity-stress exponent, but also the internal stress in the work-hardened state. The velocitystress exponents thu...
effect of cold-working or internal stress on the density, electric resistance, elastic constants, thermoelectricity, etc., for various metals and alloys has been a favourite subject of investigation, but few experiments have been made to ascertain the effect on the magnetic susceptibility of metals....
Secondaly, the analytical model considering distribution of stress and strain in SMAC was constructed based on shear lag model. Closed solutions, such as shear stress in matrix and so on, were obtained from this analytical model. Then, some analyses were conducted for predicting internal stress ...
Temperature dependence of the internal friction and modulus change in Y2O3- and MgO-doped ZrO2polycrystals L.F.C.P. Lima, A.L.E. Godoy, E.N.S. Muccillo Pages 58-61 select article Stress-induced reorientation of oxygen-hydrogen complexes in a Ta75Nb25 alloy Research articleAbstract only ...
Rapp, "Internal oxidation of ag-in alloys: stress relief and the influence of imposed strain," Oxidation of Metals, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 77-100, 1986.Guruswamy, S., S. M. Park, J. P. Hirth, and R. A. Rapp, "Internal Oxidation of Ag-In Alloys: Stress Relief and the ...
The creep deformation of γ-TiAl single phase alloy with ordered L10 structure has been characterized in terms of activation energy for creep Qc, stress exponent n and internal stress σi. The stress exponent of minimum creep rate n becomes 3 at stresses below 70 MPa in the temperatures betwee...
The steady-state creep rate depends on stress as ε' ~ σm with an exponent m = 3.82 ± 0.18. The creep strain under external pressure and the same internal pressure are approximately the same. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. ...
In-situ monitoring of the internal stress evolution during titanium thin film anodising Anodisation has been studied for almost eighty years, primary in the field of corrosion science, as a simple and efficient way of producing thick protective oxide coatings on Al, Ti or Zr alloys. Anodisati...